Create a trigger to monitor a ServiceNow table for new records and begin succeeding RPA actions in your bot flow.


  • The bot creator must have access to a ServiceNow account with required permissions to perform tasks enabled by this package. See Roles.
  • Follow ServiceNow guidelines for authenticating to an external client with OAuth 2.0. See Set up OAuth.
  • Create a Developer account and Developer instance in ServiceNow. See Personal Developer Instances.
  • Ensure that you are authenticated before initiating any ServiceNow action. See Authentication

The new record trigger monitors the creation event of any record within a time period. Upon record creation, the trigger invokes and returns data. If multiple records are created within the entered time period, then the trigger returns data of multiple records.

Map your trigger to a ServiceNow table, and then enter the time period to send a query for that table data. When a new record is found, this trigger is invoked and begins succeeding bot actions.


  1. Enter the URL for your ServiceNow instance.
  2. (Optional) Enter the API version.
  3. Select how ServiceNow credentials will be entered for the following fields.
    Credential Select a credential saved in a secure locker that you have mapped to your Control Room.
    Insecure string Enter the credential.
    1. Enter the Client ID.
    2. Enter the Client secret.
    3. Enter the Username.
    4. Enter the Password.
  4. Enter the Table name in ServiceNow to monitor for new records.
    A query is sent, and ServiceNow returns data for this table. When a new record is returned in the data, then this trigger is invoked.
  5. (Optional) To store a response from ServiceNow, select and enter a List or Variable input where the response is stored.
  6. (Optional) Apply filters to specify the type of ServiceNow record to monitor.
  7. Enter how frequent the trigger searches for new records in the Check every (seconds) field.
  8. (Optional) Select a variable to save returned data by the trigger.