In Automation 360, all the commands (except Find broken links and Download files) of Web recorder are migrated to their respective actions within the Legacy Automation package. We do not recommend using the Legacy Automation package for new bot development.

Web actions in the Legacy Automation package

The Legacy Automation package includes the following actions:

Action Description
Close page Closes the browser session for an opened browser window or tab.
Update window title Updates the window title during migration of bots, from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge with IE mode. On execution of this action, the window title is changed to *Microsoft*Edge format. This action is used only when the window title is determined by a variable and not when the window title is static. The window title is updated when the bot is run and not during the conversion process.
  • In the Window field, select an option: Choose the Application, Browser, or Variable tab.
    • Application: Select from a list of windows, including browser windows, that are currently open on the Bot Creator device.
    • Browser: Select from a list of supported browser tabs.
    • Variable: Select an existing window variable to specify the title of the application window title.
    Note: Although the property panel contains the Browser and Application options, only the Variable option is used during migration.
  • Select an option to specify whether the window title is a regular expression or not.
  • When this action is executed, the New window title field displays the changed window title (Microsoft Edge with IE mode).
Execute java script function Executes JavaScript internally on a web page in Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge (IE mode).
You can run JavaScript inside a web page by providing JavaScript as an action input. When you run a JavaScript function, you can see and edit the properties of the selected iFrame.
  • Specify the URL.
  • Specify the function name to run and the arguments to pass to the function.
  • Specify the variable in Assign the output to variable field (optional).
Extract data Extracts data from a specified URL in Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge (IE mode).
  • Specify the website URL to extract data from a web page.
  • Enter the control type and control value.
  • If you want to reuse an existing tab or window, mark the check boxes and specify the Page Title or Page URL properties to the action.
  • Specify the time in seconds in Wait for the control to exist. The default time is 30 seconds.
  • In the Save outcome to a variable field, select either Multiple variables or Dictionary:
    • Multiple variables: Click Add variable mapping to associate each dictionary key with a variable in the parent bot.

      Use this option if you do not want to use actions to extract the dictionary values.

    • Dictionary: Insert or create a dictionary variable to hold the output variables and values in key-value pairs.
Extract pattern data Extracts pattern-based data from an Internet Explorer page. Use pattern-based data extraction when the web entries follow a pattern. This feature recognizes the pattern and extracts the data even if it spans several pages. The extracted data is saved to a CSV file.
  • To extract pattern-based data, enter the website URL and page title.

    You can preview the extracted captured data and its value.

  • Specify the location of the CSV file in which you want to write the data.
  • Select an option to specify what to do when writing data to a file:
    • Append to the file
    • Override the file
  • Select an option from the encoding list to specify the encoding that you want to apply on the file. The default encoding is set to ANSI.
    • ANSI
    • UTF-8
    • Unicode
Extract source Extracts the source of an element on a specified webpage and assigns the value to a variable.
Extract table Extracts the table from a specified URL and optionally saves to a new CSV file or appends to an existing CSV file.
  • Specify the URL to open a web page in an Internet Explorer window.
  • Specify the table number to extract the table data.
  • Specify the location of the CSV file in which you want to write the data.
  • Select the Append to an already existing csv file check box when writing data to an existing file.
  • Select an option from the encoding list to specify the encoding that you want to apply on the file. The default encoding is set to ANSI.
    • ANSI
    • UTF-8
    • Unicode
  • Specify the time in seconds in Wait for the control to exist. The default time is 30 seconds.
  • Enter the session name in the session name field.
  • If you want to reuse an existing tab or window, mark the check boxes and specify the Page Title or Page URL properties to the action.
  • Provide the tag details (Tag name and Attribute name) of the extracted table data and save the result in a CSV file or assign the output to a data table variable.
Go back Navigates to the previous page.
Manage web controls Identifies the properties of a UI control from a specified website.
  • Select the option to open a new URL or Select page.
  • You can provide the search criteria of the captured object. Search the object by specifying Control name,Value or Index.
  • If you want to reuse an existing tab or window, mark the check boxes and specify the Page Title or Page URL properties to the action.
  • Select the control type from the drop-down menu.
  • Specify the time in seconds in Wait for the control to exist. The default time is 30 seconds.
  • Choose a variable to assign an output to a variable.
Navigate to page Opens a web page in an existing Internet Explorer window.
  • Specify the URL in the Navigate URL field to open a new window with a specified URL.
  • If you want to overwrite an existing tab or window, mark the check boxes and specify the Page Title or Page URL properties to the action.
Open page Opens a web page in Internet Explorer to a specified URL.
  • Specify the URL to open a web page in an Internet Explorer window.
  • If you want to reuse an existing tab or window, mark the check boxes and specify the Page Title or Page URL properties to the action.
Search by caption Searches the first opened Internet Explorer window for the specified caption and occurrence frequency. You can update the Caption and Occurrence in the bot.
Configure settings Set the configuration option for the web actions. You can select one of the following options or all:

When you configure this action with the following settings, the settings configured will apply to all the actions under the Web group.

  • Launch Internet Explorer as a process.
  • Open a browser in the background.
  • Launch Internet Explorer in Edge compatibility mode.
    Note: When you select the Launch Internet Explorer in Edge compatibility mode check box, all the automation you previously built on Internet Explorer 11 using Web actions will run and work in Microsoft Edge with IE mode. The actions within the Web group run seamlessly in Microsoft Edge with IE mode.