Create and manage users through settings in Privacy Enhanced Gateway (PEG).

Users assigned the admin role can edit and create new users by navigating to Settings > Peg Configuration. Follow the steps below to begin.


  1. Navigate to the Users tab.
    Image displays controls to edit and create users.
    All users are displayed in the table with the role, scope, and buckets assigned to them.
  2. To edit an existing user, hover over the vertical ellipses and select the pencil icon.
  3. Create a new user by clicking the plus icon at the right side above the table.

    Image demonstrates fields needed to configure new user.
    You are navigated to the Add/Edit User page.
  4. Complete the fields to configure the user details.
    1. Enter the username.
    2. Enter the password for the user.
      Note: Upon creation, communicate these credentials to the user. The system does not automatically send notifications.
    3. Select the role for the user permissions.
    4. Optionally, check Assign Global Scope for the user to have access to all scopes. With this setting enabled, the user has complete access to data in all buckets with no scope restriction.
    5. Click Manage Access Control to configure a scope of the user. Each scope added will filter data that the user can access in PEG.

      Image demonstrates fields available to configure user scope.
    6. Select Buckets for data of the user.
      Note: We recommend giving access to fiq-screeshots and forwarded buckets at minimum for users to operate PEG effectively.