Rules are the foundation of code analysis. They are used to evaluate the automation (Task Bot and API Task) logic. Rules can be simple or complex depending on the evaluation performed. Rules include coding practices that can be verified. They apply to packages and actions in the automation code.

A rule consists of a unique RULE_CODE and a description which indicates the nature of the evaluation to be done on the code. You can use the severity levels (low or high) to emphasize the criticality of the rule.

The following table lists the rules and their description that can be used with code analysis:

Important: You must have Enterprise Platform license to apply code analysis rules to API Tasks and to use the AI Governance rule. See Enterprise Platform.
Rule code Group Title Rule description Applicable to automation file
ACT-GEN-001 Actions, general Action Maximum The number of actions in the automation cannot exceed the specified maximum Task Bot, API Task
ACT-GEN-002 Actions, general Try-Catch Coverage All the non-comment actions within the automation logic must be within a Try/Catch block. Task Bot, API Task
ACT-GEN-003 Actions, general Infinite Loop Detection Mandates the check for infinite loops in the automation logic Task Bot, API Task
ACT-GEN-004 Actions, general Action Maximum Within Step The number of enabled actions in a step action cannot exceed the specified maximum Task Bot, API Task
ACT-GEN-005 Actions, general No Disabled Actions The automation cannot contain disabled actions Task Bot, API Task
ACT-GEN-006 Actions, general No Empty Code Blocks The Try, Catch, Finally, If, ElseIf, Loop, Trigger Loop Handle, and Step blocks must contain an action Task Bot, API Task
Note: Trigger Loop Handle blocks are not supported in API Tasks
VAR-NMG-001 Variables, naming Variable Name Pattern Variable names must match one of the specified naming patterns Task Bot, API Task
VAR-NMG-002 Variables, naming Variable Name Length Variable names must be within the specified minimum and maximum character length Task Bot, API Task
VAR-USG-001 Variables, usage No Unused Variables All the variables must be used within the automation Task Bot, API Task
VAR-USG-002 Variables, usage Restrict the number of input and output variables Number of input and output variables must not exceed the specified maximum Task Bot, API Task
ACT-COM-001 Actions, comments Mandatory Header Comment The first action in the bot must be a Comment action Task Bot, API Task
ACT-COM-002 Actions, comments Comment Coverage The number of Comment actions must be equal to or greater than the specified percentage of total command actions Task Bot, API Task
VAL-HCV-002 Values, hard coded values No Hard Coded Delay The delay time in the Delay action must be set using a variable Task Bot, API Task
VAL-HCV-003 Values, hard coded values No Hard Coded File Path The file or folder path must be set using a variable Task Bot
VAL-HCV-004 Values, hard coded values No Hard Coded Email Address The command action field must not contain a hard-coded email address Task Bot, API Task
VAL-CRE-001 Values, hard coded values Restrict insecure string usage Insecure strings must not be used in actions, triggers, or variables Task Bot, API Task
ACT-ERR-001 Actions, error handling No Empty Catch The catch block cannot be empty Task Bot, API Task
ACT-ERR-002 Actions, error handling Mandatory Catch Logging The catch block must contain a Log to File action Task Bot, API Task
ACT-ERR-003 Actions, error handling Mandatory Catch Screen Capture The catch block must contain a Screen capture action Task Bot
ACT-ERR-004 Actions, error handling Mandatory Catch Line Reference The catch block error must contain the reference line number Task Bot, API Task
ACT-LOG-001 Actions, logs Log to file coverage The bot logic must contain the specified ratio of Log to file actions Task Bot
VAL-LMT-001 Value limits Limit List Value Maximum Items Number of items in a list must not exceed the specified maximum Task Bot, API Task
VAL-LMT-002 Value limits Limit Table Dimensions Table dimensions must not exceed the specified maximum Task Bot, API Task
VAL-LMT-003 Value limits Limit Record Maximum Items Number of items in a record must not exceed the specified maximum Task Bot, API Task
VAL-LMT-004 Value limits Limit Dictionary Maximum Items Number of items in dictionary must not exceed the specified maximum Task Bot, API Task
AIG-MDL-001 AI governance Model usage Allows to control the publisher and model or deployment ID for some models in the region that the developer might use. Task Bot, API Task
For more information on AI Governance, see AI Governance code analysis rule.