Predefined (or system) variables return the specific values about the machine on which the bot is executed. Users cannot edit the values of a predefined variable.

Predefined variable types include clipboard, date time, string and system settings and parameters.
Note: System variables are called as predefined variables in Automation 360.


Use the actions in the Clipboard package to perform operations on the clipboard variable. See Clipboard package.

Variable Description
Clipboard Returns the contents of the clipboard.

Date time

Use the actions in the Datetime package to perform operations on the date time variables. Datetime package

Variable Description
Date Returns the date including hours, minutes, and seconds.
Note: Hours can be in 24-hour or AM/PM format depending on the machine configuration.
Day Returns the day in DD format.
Hour Returns the hours in HH format.
Machine Returns the device name as a string.
Millisecond Returns the milliseconds with a value between 0 and 999.
Minute Returns the minutes in MM format.
Month Returns the month in MM format.
Note: This is a numeric type variable.
Second Returns the seconds in SS format.
Year Returns the year in YYYY format.


Use the following variables to change how a string is displayed.
Variable Description
Enter Starts a new line without returning to the beginning of the line based on the operating system of the device. For example, the variable always adds a new line in Linux CentOS. In Microsoft Windows, the variable adds a page break in the Microsoft Word application and a new line in the Notepad application.
Newline Starts a new line and moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line regardless of the application and operating system of the device. On UNIX or Linux systems, it is represented by '\n', that is, it returns LF characters and on Microsoft Windows systems it is represented by '\r\n', that is, it returns CRLF characters.
Separator Demarcates a separation between values with a <sep> value.
Tab Creates large space.

System settings and parameters

Use the following variables to return data from the computer that is connected to the running Bot Agent:

Variable Description
AAControlRoom Returns the URL of the Control Room.
AAInstallationPath Returns the Bot Agent installation path. For example, C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Bot Agent.
AATaskExecutor Returns details on the Run-as user that is used to run a bot. If the bot is deployed on an attended Bot Runner, this variable returns information about the logged-in user. If the bot is deployed by a trigger, this variable returns information about the user associated with that Bot Runner license.

This variable is a dictionary with the following keys:

  • Executor_UserName
  • Executor_FirstName
  • Executor_LastName
  • Executor_Email
  • Execution_type: Returns the type of execution
    • When you schedule a bot to run, the Execution_Type key in the AATaskExecutor variable returns information about the execution type with the schedule type (frequency) such as Run as schedule <Daily, Weekly, or Monthly>.
    • When you use a trigger in a bot, the Execution_Type key can be accessed through the trigger data. The Execution_Type key returns the Run through Trigger as a string for triggers. The Execution_type can be used in all the triggers.
AATaskInvoker Returns details on the user that deployed the bot either by running or scheduling the bot. If the bot is deployed to an attended Bot Runner, this variable returns information about the logged-in user. If the bot is deployed by a trigger, this variable returns information about the user who set the trigger.

This variable is a dictionary with the following keys:

  • Invoker_Email
  • Invoker_FirstName
  • Invoker_UserName
  • Invoker_LastName
AATaskName Returns the path and name of the currently running Task Bot. For example, /Bots/Finance/combineSheets
CPUUsage Returns the percentage utilization of the CPU.

Use this variable in a Wait for condition action to make the bot wait until machine CPU usage decreases to a specific amount. See Wait package.

Machine Returns the name of the computer.
RAMUsage Returns the RAM usage in megabytes.

Use this variable in a Wait for condition action to make the bot wait until machine RAM usage decreases to a specific amount. See Wait package.

OSName Returns the operating system. For example, Windows 10 64-bit.
TotalRAM Returns the sum of RAM in use and RAM available.
  • Version 11.3 contained Email, File, and PDF system variables, which could hold a limited number of properties values. In Automation 360, an infinite amount of Email, File, and PDF properties values are stored in User-defined Dictionary variables. For more information, see Using dictionary variable for email properties and Using a dictionary variable for PDF properties.
  • Version 11.3 contained Excel system variables to return the cell, column, or row location. In Automation 360, the Excel Advanced package contains the following actions to return location values: Get cell address, Get column, and Get row.
  • Version 11.3 contained the Counter system variable to return the loop iteration count. In Automation 360, the user must create and configure a number variable.