Build a bot that securely logs in to an online bank using credentials from Credential Vault, ensuring that the username or password is not stored in the bot or on the device.


  • Credentials must be assigned to a locker to be used in a bot.
  • You must have Consumer permissions to the locker.

    If the email notification setting is enabled, you receive an email that confirms the locker name and your permissions to that locker.

In this example, you configure a credential with user-provided values and build a bot to automate logging into an online bank website.


  1. Provide the user-input values.
    1. Navigate to BOTS > Credentials > CREDENTIAL REQUESTS.
      The credentials that require a user-provided value have an incomplete icon in the first column.
    2. Click the credential that holds the bank login credentials.
    3. Click Edit.
    4. Enter the attribute values for the username and password and click Save changes.
  2. Open a new bot.
    1. On the left panel, click Automation.
      A list of available bots and forms is displayed.
    2. Click Create new > Bot.
    3. Enter a bot name and click Create and edit.
  3. Open the browser to the bank login page.
    1. Double-click or drag the Browser > Open action.
    2. Enter the URL.
      For example,
      Use an application page where you want to enter a credential.
    3. Select your preferred browser.
    4. Click Save and Run.
      The bank website opens in a new window. If the website opens in a new tab, drag it into a separate window.
  4. Specify the username text box.
    1. Double-click or drag the Recorder > Capture action.
    2. From the Object detail menu, select the window containing the bank website.
    3. Click Capture object.
      The window containing the bank website is activated.
    4. Hover over the username text box and click when a red outline appears.
    5. In the Object properties table, verify that the Control Type is a textbox.
    6. From the Action menu, select Set text.
    7. Select the Select a credential option and click Pick to navigate to the credential.
      The Pick a credential window appears.
    8. Select the Locker, Credential, and Attribute for the bank website username and click Confirm.
  5. Repeat Step 4 to specify the password text box.
  6. Specify the Log on button.
    1. Double-click or drag the Recorder > Capture action.
    2. From the Object detail menu, select the window containing the bank website.
    3. Click Capture object.
      The window containing the bank website is activated.
    4. Hover over the Log on button and click when a red outline appears.
    5. In the Object properties table, verify that the Control Type is a button.
    6. From the Action menu, select Click.
  7. Close the window containing the bank website.
  8. Click Save and Run.

Next steps

Example of building a bot that uses credential variables

Perform the steps in this task to learn how to pass values securely between bots.