Interactive Forms package updates

Review the updates in released versions of Interactive Forms package such as new and enhanced features as well as fixes and limitations. The page also lists the release dates of each version, and the compatible Control Room and Bot Agent versions.

Versions summary

Version Release date Release type Bot Agent version Control Room build
4.1.10 14 June 2024 Package-only; post Automation 360 v.32 release 21.88 or later 10195 or later
4.1.5 17 May 2024 Package-only; post Automation 360 v.32 release 21.88 or later 10195 or later
4.1.0 18 April 2024 Package-only; post Automation 360 v.32 release 21.88 or later 10195 or later
4.0.1 22 March 2024 Package-only; post Automation 360 v.32 (Sandbox) release 21.88 or later 10195 or later
4.0.0 16 February 2024 Package-only; post Automation 360 v.31 release 21.88 or later 10195 or later
3.1.2 17 January 2024 Package-only; post Automation 360 v.31 (Sandbox) release 21.88 or later 10195 or later
3.0.0 21 September 2023 Package-only; post Automation 360 v.30 (Sandbox) release 21.88 or later 10195 or later
2.29.1-20230403-101855 6 June 2023 With Automation 360 (.29 Sandbox) 20.11 or later 8750 or later
  • To download an individual package (updated in an Automation 360 release where you want only the package), use this URL:<package-file-name>-<version.number>.jar

  • For Interactive Forms package, the naming convention is: bot-command-uiforms-<version.number>.jar

    For example, bot-command-uiforms-3.1.2.jar

For detailed steps on downloading a package and manually adding it to the Control Room, see Add packages to the Control Room.


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.88 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 10195 or later
When entering data into a form, the selections made for radio buttons and numeric elements now persist when moving to a second form.

Previously, the selections did not carry over to the second form.

If multiple forms are used in a process, the second form now displays correctly when the automation is run.

Previously, the second form experienced flickering and did not display properly.

Intermittently, Interactive forms has not been displaying when a user is on a shared screen. As part of this behavior, instead of the user seeing the form, a flashing Automation Anywhere icon displays in the toolbar. When this occurs, we recommend that the user click the icon to view the form on the shared screen.


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.88 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 10195 or later
When the form window is displayed in the Interactive Forms package, the close button is now enabled if it is enabled in the form properties.

Previously, the close button was disabled.


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.88 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 10195 or later
The user interface for interactive forms is enhanced to ensure the elements are centered and displayed correctly on the screen. Additionally, non-utilized image elements in interactive forms are now rendered as blank areas.


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.88 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 10195 or later
Whats changed
Check Box works properly in interactive forms.


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.88 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 10195 or later
Whats changed
After adding a new dynamic element to a form, the dynamic element now displays while rendered.
Snapshot and Checking the Check Box now work properly in interactive forms.
The padding on both sides of an interactive form has been centered.
The Powered by footer is now visible at the bottom of an interactive form.
Fixed security vulnerability issue. For more information, click the release download link and view the Security & Compliance reports at A-People Downloads page (Login required).


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.88 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 10195 or later
Whats changed
Internal changes for improved security.
The user interface in forms has improved accent color and padding, for symmetry.


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.88 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 10195 or later
Whats changed
Due to back-end updates, the package jar file size has increased which has resulted in the initial package download time to increase.
With this enhancement, in any automation a key-stroke or a mouse-click on a text-box, text-area, rich-text, number, date, or time element will trigger the associated rules. This is in addition to the focus-out cursor motion functionality that also triggers the associated rules.
Initially, the system displayed an error only if a form was called in an automation where the mandatory fields were not populated with data. Now, when creating or rendering a form from any automation, if the mandatory fields are missing value, the system displays an error.
In the Forms Composer, the rich-text element should be configured with 350 pixel width for a complete rendering of rich-text editor properties.
To troubleshoot issues for rendering an interactive form, refer to this new log-file location for more details: C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere\BotRunner\Logs\uiForms-electron.log.
The dynamic components for forms is not supported.


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 20.11 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 8750 or later
Security updates to address vulnerabilities in Blackduck Apache PDFBox.