CoE Manager Plus - Integrate with UiPath

You can integrateCoE Manager Plus with UiPath automation environment to monitor your automations and calculate the savings achieved. There are no limitations on the number of UiPath automation environments you can link to with one instance of CoE Manager Plus.


  1. In the UI Path Admin console, complete the third part application registration.
    1. Navigate to Admin > External applications.
    2. Provide a name for the application.
    3. For the Application Type, select Confidential application.
    4. Click Add scopes and select the following:
      • Resource: Orchestrator API Access
      • Application Scope(s): OR.Jobs.Read and OR.Folders.Read
    5. Click Save.
  2. Generate app secret and get app ID.
    1. Navigate to Admin > External applications and edit the application you created.
    2. Copy the App ID to clipboard.
    3. Click Generate New to generate the app secret.
    4. Copy the generated App Secret to clipboard.
      Note: The client secret will not be available after you move away from this screen.
  3. Get base URL, org ID, and tenant ID.
    1. Navigate to Admin > Settings.
    2. Copy the base URL and org ID to clipboard.
  4. In the CoE Manager Plus instance, add automation integration.
    1. Navigate to the Admin-Tech tab.
    2. Click Add Automation Integration.
    3. Enter the name of the integration and for Vendor, select UiPath.
    4. Click Create.
    5. Enter the base URL (without https://), Client ID (App ID), Client Secret (App Secret), Org ID, and Tenant ID from clipboard.
    6. Click Save.
      A connection is now established between CoE Manager Plus and UiPath automation environment. The Enabled column automatically changes to Yes when you save the base URL, Client ID, Client secret, Org ID, and Tenant ID.

Next steps

Link automation from your UiPath automation enviornment to your opportunity in CoE Manager Plus.

CoE Manager Plus - Link automation to opportunity