Modify and compile the Java code used to create a package to fix issues and create new functionality.



  1. Open the project "A2019DemoPakcage."
  2. From inside the project, open src/main/java/com.automationanywhere.botcommand.samples.commands/basic/Uppercase .
  3. Change the function from upper case to lower case.
    Original function Updated function
    String result = "ALL".equals(caseType) ? 
        sourceString.toUpperCase() : (sourceString
        .substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + sourceString
    String result = "ALL".equals(caseType) ? 
        sourceString.toLowerCase() : (sourceString
        .substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + sourceString
  4. Save the changes and re-compile the package.

Next steps

You can now upload the changed package to the Control Room. Upload new demo package