You can review unclaimed browser events such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and so on, to assign them to a specific web application.

When using web applications from the Process Discovery platform, the browser name is captured but the web application or software as a service (SaaS) is not. Web application events (where the application name is not captured) are stored in the Unclaimed Browser Events section of the Web Applications page. To classify web application events that are related to the task or process, you must create specific web applications for the events to be claimed in the application. From the Web Applications page, you can:
  • Review events in the Unclaimed Browser Events section to locate and filter related process events from their native browser applications. Typically, Google Search, personal searches, or web mail events are not relevant to a task or process.
  • Create specific web applications that are used in the task or overall process flow, for example: Amazon Web Services, Slack, Zendesk, and so on.

To review events in the Unclaimed Browser Events section and create web applications, perform the following steps:


  1. Log in to your Process Discovery platform as a power user.
  2. Navigate to Data > Web Applications.
    In the Existing Rules section, you will see previously created web applications. In the Unclaimed Browser Events column, you will see various browser application events.
  3. In the Unclaimed Browser Events column, click:
    • Grouped by: Title to organize the browser events listed in the column by window title.
    • Grouped by: URL to organize the events by URL.
  4. To filter events in the column, use the data range option under the Unclaimed Browser Events header. Select the start date (Month/Date/Year) and end date (Month/Date/Year). The events column will update and display your results.
    To filter events by specific event tiles, use the search icon. Enter the title in the search field. The events column will update to display your results.
  5. To view a browser event, click the link to view the set of events from the Events page.
    The browser events with the highest frequency titles or URLs are displayed at the top of the column. These are the most important events for processes that users are recording.

    Image demonstrates the link to view the set of events from the Events page
  6. From the Events page, verify what web application the events belongs to.
    Tip: We recommend that you note the web titles or URLs as you review the events because you will create a web rule pattern (regular expression or regex) for each of the targeted web applications. Additionally, you can use the Filter option to locate specific web applications by Observer Name (for example) and click through the events in their workflow. Based on your situation, you might filter on URLs because URLs are unique, whereas titles are not necessarily unique. For example, if you have two applications with HOME as the title, you should use a URL web based rule instead of the title.
  7. From the Unclaimed Browser Events column, continue to review the set of browser events from the Events page and determine if the events need to be claimed as web application events.
  8. After you have located the titles or URL that you need to create web applications, navigate back to the Web Applications page.
  9. Click Create Web Application.
  10. In the APPLICATION NAME field, enter the name of the application.
    For example, enter Google Search ICD 10 Lookup.
  11. In the APPLIED RULE TYPE section, select the rule type (Title or URL) to use.
    For example, select Title.
  12. In the RULE PATTERN (REGEX) section, enter a pattern that matches the title or URL of your target application in the text box.
    For example, enter icd10 lookup in the text box. We recommend that you remove "Google Search" from the application name because there may be similar events (icd10 lookup) in other browsers that you can also include in the rule pattern.
    You can also click the copy icon to copy the title of the web application and paste into the text box.
    Image demonstrates the copy icon in the Unclaimed Browser Events section
    For example, you only need the title, KTBSonline and there are two KTBSonline titles listed in the browser events column. The two titles are:
    • Verify Login Information | KTBSonline - Google Chrome
    • Enroll in Open Enrollment Benefits | KTBSonline - Google Chrome
    To capture the events from both titles, you can enter the rule pattern as: Verify Login Information \| KTBSonline - Google Chrome|Enroll in Open Enrollment Benefits \| KTBSonline - Google Chrome, or you can just enter KTBSonline and keep the rule pattern simple.
    Continuing with the example for KTBSonline, the backslash (\) character precedes the vertical (|) character to indicate that this is not an OR function in the rule.
    To include more than one title in the rule pattern, use the vertical bar (|) character to indicate the OR function. For example, to include results for PDFfiller OR pdfFiller, enter the rule pattern as: PDFfiller|pdfFiller.
    The caret (^) character is another commonly used character for creating web rules. Use the caret character at the beginning of the rule pattern when you want to match the exact event title at beginning of the text. For example, you want events only where KTBSonline is at the beginning of the text in the application. In the text box, enter the rule pattern as: ^KTBSonline.
  13. Click Create.
    The system takes a few minutes to create the web application. To verify that the rule is updated, click the magnifying glass icon in the Actions column. After the web application has completed, a pop-up notification appears in the bottom left corner.