Use Automation Co-Pilot as embedded widget in Genesys

Invoke Automation Co-Pilot as an interaction widget inside Genesys Cloud. The agent uses the widget to correct a pricing error without leaving Genesys.

Automation Co-Pilot

Business users can directly access authorized automation from within their favorite business applications, without having to open a new interface or learn a new app. Automation Co-Pilot delivers automation everywhere you want, through a widget, either integrated with your web application or delivered through a browser extension. To make the widget accessible, create and configure the widget in your preferred application. Then populate the widget by assigning pre-built automation to teams or roles in Automation Co-Pilot. Assigned users can access Automation Co-Pilot to complete daily tasks.
Image example of Automation Co-Pilot using embedded widget.


  1. Complete the setup process flow Automation Co-Pilot using embedded widget overview
  2. Assign automation Assign automations to teams
  3. Automation assigned should include the following.
Tip: Usable sample code

You can download the following sample code to test this example in your own environment. GitHub: Embedded Use Case 1

Example Summary

In this example, a contact center agent receives a call about an order with an incorrect charge. The agent, operating in Genesys, responds using the embedded widget by launching automated processes and bots, and handles the order correction without leaving Genesys. Deployed automation touch Salesforce and Zoho Sales Order Management to correct the error in respective systems. Assigned automation are detailed in the following image.

Image orients user to widget.

This example describes steps the agent takes to correct a pricing error while in Genesys, by using the Embedded Automation widget.


  1. Deploy the Salesforce Account Lookup bot and enter the phone number to pull up the account record.

    Image demonstrates agent pulling up account.
    Copy the SFDC Order Number to enter in the next step.
  2. Launch the Order Items Price Correction process from within the widget and enter the order number you have retrieved.
    A Bot retrieves order details from Zoho and renders the Display Order Details in a form, including products and prices paid.
    Image demonstrates bot retrieving info.
  3. Correct the price on the item in question.

    Image demonstrates agent making correction.
  4. Optionally, select the 3% discount for courtesy.
  5. Click Submit.
    The bot calculates the amount to be reimbursed.
  6. The bot creates a billing update for refund in Zoho.
  7. A reference number is generated, and the system indicates it will take 5-7 business days for refund to appear on card.

Next steps

After the case is resolved, upload case notes from all cases handled through the day into a compliance application for audit.
Demonstrates audit details.
Enter the file location, for the automation to sends notes to the appropriate contacts.