A user with View and Manage roles permission can modify information such as feature permissions, bots, Bot Runners and devices, and users with access to the role.

If a role or permission is updated, the respective users must re-login or refresh the browser for the changes to appear in the Control Room.


  1. In the Control Room, navigate to Administration > Roles.
  2. Select the role you want to edit.
  3. Click the action menu (vertical ellipsis) and select Edit role option.
  4. You can update any of the following options:
    • Features: Allows you to add or revoke role permissions.
    • Bots: Allows you to add or revoke access to folders on the Bots tab. You can also select the actions a user can perform on files within the folder.
    • Run as: Allows you to add or remove the unattended Bot Runner users or the devices the selected role has access to.
    • Users: Allows you to add or remove users who have permission to access the role..
  5. Click Save changes.