These release notes describe new features, changed features, fixed features, security fixes, deprecated features, and known limitations in Enterprise A2019 (Build 543).

To verify which Bot Agent version is compatible with this release, see Compatibility with release builds.

New features in A2019 Build 543

Feature Description
Next generation bot workbench Create bots from any device, from anywhere through a web browser. The intuitive new design for applying multiple personas with varying bot building skills and a redesigned work area for simple assembly and deployment. These include:
  • A universal recorder to simplify capturing processes
  • List and Flow views for Task Bot creation
  • Powerful bot code management capabilities
  • Rich variable passing with no cross-language mapping required
Bot Runner Access and run bots from the cloud. When bots are deployed to Bot Runners, any dependent actions are also deployed. When updates to Actions are available, the updates are also automatically pushed.
Package manager The package manager centralizes control over bundled actions to enable users to deploy and upgrade only those targeted actions being used.
Advanced variable types Access expanded variables and array types for enhanced action implementation, including DateTime, numbers, list, Boolean, dictionary, multi-dimension arrays for reading Microsoft Excel documents, and file data column for .CSV files.
Inline scripting Native support for Python and VBScript inline scripting languages enables simple data passing between scripts and bots.
New UX The new user experience provides assistance for users who are getting started and includes step-by-step guidance for common tasks.
Excel automation Configure Microsoft Excel Task Bot automation without installing Microsoft Office on the Bot Runner machine.
Recording of automation Record automation, even from a remote device.
IQ Bot Enterprise A2019 will fully support IQ Bot, the only AI-driven solution for users to automate processing of complex documents.
Bot Insight The Analyze package provides the following functions to enable business analytics in the Bot Insight dashboard:
  • Analyze Open
  • Analyze Close
Table 1. Supported packages in Build 543
Package Version
Node Manager 1.0.1221
Application 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1231
Boolean 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1435
Browser 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1287
Clipboard 1.1.0-20190919.040305-1492
Comment 1.0.0-20190919.040305-633
CSV/TXT 1.2.0-20190919.040305-1349
Database 1.1.0-20190919.040305-1287
DateTime 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1189
Delay 1.1.0-20190919.040305-1492
Dictionary 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1337
DLL 1.0.0-20190920.070246-677
Email 1.0.0-20190919.040305
Error Handler 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1333
Excel 1.1.0-20190921.042722-1353
Excel_MS 1.0.0-20190921.042722-1309
File 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1382
Folder 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1337
FTP/SFTP 1.0.0-20190919.040305-660
If/Else 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1375
IR 1.0.0-20190923.062209-1140
IQ Bot 2.0.0-20191031-150538
JavaScript 1.0.1-20190919.040305-989
Keystroke 1.1.0-20190919.040305-1492
List 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1466
Log to File 1.1.0-20190919.040305-1456
Loop 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1466
Message Box 1.1.0-20190919.040305-1492
Mouse 1.1.0-20190919.040305-1492
Number 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1148
PDF 1.1.0-20190919.040305-1492
Ping 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1319
PlaySound 1.0.0-20190919.054049-118
Prompt 1.1.0-20190919.040305-1180
Python 1.0.3-20190919.040305-1287
Recorder 1.0.45-20190904.153347-191
RunTask 1.1.0-20190701.181500-763
SAP 1.1.0-20190923.152217-493
Screen 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1105
SNMP 1.0.0-20190919.040305-359
Step 1.0.0-20190701.181442-695
String 1.1.0-20190919.040305-1469
Table 1.0.0-20190919.040305-719
VBScript 1.0.1-20190919.040305-1334
Wait 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1287
Window 1.0.0-20190919.040305-1333
XML 1.0.0-20190919.040305-717

Changed features

This build does not include any changed features.

Fixed features

No fixed features are introduced in this build.

Security fixes

No security fixes are introduced in this build.

Deprecated features

No deprecated features are introduced in this build.

Known limitations

Feature Limitation description
Recorder .NET Framework 4.6.1 is required for the Recorder package.
Bot agent Users of build 543 are required to download and install the latest agent.
Bot Insight

Bot Insight has the following limitations:

  • Bot Insight dashboard does not support Drag and Drop to move and arrange the dashboard widgets within the dashboard.
  • The Date widget in the dashboard displays the Unix time stamp.
  • Bot Insight does not support the Aggregate By feature in the Table widget, if the table contains a Timestamp.
  • Once the bots run successfully, the default dashboard is generated after 5 to 10 seconds.