Review what's new and changed, and the fixes and limitations in IQ Bot and Document Automation for the v.29 release.

Important: Starting from this release, we have moved information about updates in each package (such as what's new, changed, fixes, and limitations) to package-specific pages. You can access these pages by navigating to Package updates overview > <package-name> releases.

For a consolidated list of packages updated in this release, see Packages updated in v.29.

Document Automation

Build 18345: This build includes the following fixes (along with fixes from the previous builds):

In Validator, if you enter a valid entry or data in the field, and click outside of it, the field is validated.

This was a limitation in previous builds 18332, 18302, 18277 (Cloud-Sandbox) and build 18324 (On-Premises).

When Extract field using pattern is chosen in the learning instance and the document is processed, the field is validated on entering valid data. Here, only the respective field is affected, and its extraction is based on the provided regular expression input.

This was a limitation in previous builds 18332, 18302, 18277 (Cloud-Sandbox) and build 18324 (On-Premises).

Build 18277: This build includes the following fixes:

IQ Bot

Updates to the interface

Review the updates to the interface made to the interface in Document Automation for Automation 360 v.29 release.

With document-level data validation, you can create rules to ensure the accuracy of extracted data across multiple fields in your documents.

Document-level rules for improved extraction

You can leverage export and import functionality with the ability to copy heuristic feedback data with the configuration.

Validation feedback in export and import of learning instances

Create a user-trained learning instance in Document Automation and extract it using a Google Custom Document Extractor (CDE) processor.

Support for Google Custom Document Extractor (CDE)

You can create and train new models using Azure AI Document Intelligence v3.0 only.

Standard Forms support for v3.0 model