- Updated: 2024/09/27
Import a JSON sample to map attributes. Leaf nodes will be captured and displayed here as a list of attributes. Any remaining attributes on the list will be monitored as part of the response to this action.
- Click the Request body tab.
- from the Type drop-down list, select JSON.
- Click Import sample.
- In the Import sample window, past the JSON sample that you want to import.
- Click Import.
Attributes are imported in the Attributes pane. Click the edit button next to Attributes to update the attributes, if required. Click the delete icon next to an attribute to delete the attribute.
- From the Attributes pane, select an attribute.
- Select one of the following options:
Hard coded - Select an input type.
- Enter a value that is hard-coded for the parameter. The package user will not be able to view this value in the Bot editor or API Task editor. This value is sent as part of the header.
User provided - Select whether you want the input value type to be secured. When you select secured, you will be able enter the parameter through a credential, variable, or insecure string.
- Select if this field is mandatory.
- Enter a value. The package user will be able to view this value in the Bot editor or API Task editor and can update this value.
- Enter a label. The package user will be able to view this label for the parameter in the Bot editor or API Task editor.
- (Optional) Enter a description. The package user will be able to view this description for the parameter in the Bot editor or API Task editor. It will appear as help text in the editor.