You can configure a scheduler user (team scheduler, per-process scheduler, or global scheduler) to allocate the Control Room resources (devices and unattended Bot Runners) to Automation Co-Pilot. This scheduler user is a dedicated user who helps in process deployment.


Ensure that you have created the scheduler user and the device pool.


  1. Log in to Automation Co-Pilot as an Co-Pilot Admin.
    Alternatively, you can navigate to Automation Co-Pilot through the Control Room by clicking the settings page link in the Manage > Device pools screen. This will automatically navigate you to the Automation Co-Pilot screen, with you logged in as an Co-Pilot Admin.
  2. Select a scheduler user by choosing one of the following options:
    The process uses the device pool and unattended Bot Runners configured with this user for each bot deployment.

    By default, Global scheduler is selected if you have not set a Scheduler for any process.

    By default:
    1. Team scheduler user is selected.
    2. Process scheduler user is selected if Team scheduler user is not defined.
    3. Global scheduler user is selected if the Team and Process scheduler users are not defined
    Scheduler TypeSteps
    1. Navigate to Manage > Process.
    2. Select the process to configure the scheduler user.

      The Edit Process page will open.

    3. Navigate to the Team tab.
    4. Select a scheduler user from the drop-down menu in the Scheduler field.

      The Process scheduler is selected by default.

    5. Click Save.
    Scheduler (per-process scheduler)
    1. Navigate to Manage > Process.
    2. Select the process to configure the scheduler user.

      The Edit Process page will open.

    3. Navigate to the Deployment tab.
    4. Select a scheduler user from the drop-down menu in the Process scheduler field.

      The Global scheduler is selected by default.

    5. Select the Deployment type.
    6. Click Close.

      The setting saves automatically.

    Global scheduler
    1. Navigate to Manage > Process.
    2. Select the process to configure the scheduler user.

      The Edit Process page will open.

    3. Navigate to the Deployment tab.
    4. Select the Global scheduler user from the drop-down menu in the Process scheduler field.

      The Global scheduler is selected by default.

    5. Select the Deployment type.
    6. Click Close.

      The setting saves automatically.

    Important: If scheduler users had their role removed or do not have sufficient permissions to access a file:
    1. The Control Room Admin will see an audit log of the change.
    2. The Co-Pilot Admin will see an error message for an invalid scheduler then must reassign a new scheduler user.
    3. The Co-Pilot User will see an error message for the process.