Review the information related to the most commonly used Active Directory attributes.

The following table provides examples of the most commonly used Active Directory attributes. For a complete list of attributes, the Active Directory administrator can review the attributes listed in the Active Directory server.
Name in Active Directory Attribute name Example
User name cn (CommonName) George.Woods
Description description Marketing Manager
Distinguished Name distinguishedName DN attribute is a sequence of distinguished names that contains identifying information for an associated user, group, or object. For example, CN=George.Woods,OU=aae,CN=USERS,DC=domain
Display name displayName George Woods
First name givenName George
Last name sn Woods
Email mail
Title title Manager
Initials initials GW
Object Class objectClass An object class is a defined grouping of attributes such as users, groups, computers, printers, and domain controllers.
Object Category objectCategory Objects attributes are a set of fields that define the mandatory and optional attributes that an object can have. For example, a user object in Active Directory will have attributes such as first Name, last Name, email address, department, and title.
Organizational unit name ou (Organizational Unit) Marketing
User Logon name (Pre W2K) sAMAccountName
User Account Control userAccountControl You can use the userAccountControl attribute to configure several account settings in Active Directory. The attribute values apply to flags that control password, lockout, disable or enable, script, and other behavior for the user account. For example, for the flag Disabled Account, the value in decimal is 514.
User principal name/Logon name userPrincipalName SJones
Groups memberOf CN=Managers,OU=Sales,DC=Domain,DC=Com