License allocation for IdP group mappings
- Updated: 2024/04/23
Users can be part of multiple IdP group mappings, and you can configure each group mapping to use a different license. When a user is part of multiple IdP group mappings that are configured to use different licenses, the user will be allocated only one license depending on how you configure the license allocation preference order.
The licensing order is used during license allocation to users as part of automation user account is creation with SAML integration. This licensing order is beneficial when there is a possibility of two licenses being allocated to a user. Utilizing this licensing order allows for the allocation of licenses based on priority, ensuring the top priority is given precedence.
In this example, Fiona is a Control Room user who is part of two IdP group mappings: Dev1 and Dev2.
Dev1 group mapping is assigned the Citizen Developer license and Dev2 group mapping is assigned the Attended bot runner license. In this case, Fiona will not be allocated both Citizen Developer and Attended bot runner licenses.
- Bot creator
- Citizen developer
- Attended bot runner
- Unattended bot runner
Fiona will be assigned the Citizen developer license as this license takes precedence over the Attended bot runner license.
License allocation
When a user is mapped to a group mapping, licenses defined in the group mapping might not be allocated to the user. In some cases licenses might be deallocated from the user. Consider the information listed in the following table.
If | Then |
If a user is mapped to a group mapping that has a role and a Bot creator license defined. |
No license will be allocated to the user if the Bot creator license is unavailable. |
If a user is mapped to a group mapping that has the Admin role and other mapping(s) that has other licenses defined. |
Only the Bot insight license will be allocated. |
If a user is part of two IdP group mappings that are
using different licenses. For example, consider two IdP group
mappings, Dev1 and Dev2. Dev1 is assigned the Citizen developer and
Process analyzer licenses and Dev2 is assigned the Attended bot
runner and Bot Insight user licenses. The order of the license
allocation preference is configured as following:
If an existing user with an allocated Bot Creator license is mapped to a group mapping that includes a Citizen Developer license. | Bot creator license will be deallocated and Citizen developer license will be allocated. |