Review what's changed and the fixes and limitations in Bot Insight for the v.31 release.

What's changed

Share custom published dashboards across users (Service Cloud case ID: 00746222)

You can now share the custom published dashboard across users if you have AAE_BI_Admin or AAE_Bot Insight Expert role and have folder level permission to access the published dashboards. This helps to re-use the work and effort of a user by other users.

Enhanced security by disabling usage of angular brackets in naming dashboards Service Cloud case ID: 01903104, 01919786, 01923036, 01953596, 01955610

Added functionality to prevent usage of angular brackets (< or >) in dashboard or widget names. In Analyze package, the session or transaction names also do not allow angular brackets.


When a bot deployment fails, the Bot Insight Operations dashboard now shows the bot status as only RUN_FAILED.

Previously, the dashboard showed the bot status as either FAILED or RUN_FAILED for the same bot at different times.

Service Cloud case ID: 01974988.

You can now retrieve data using Bot Insight APIs in Power BI.

Previously, due to security reasons, some of the Bot Insight APIs were blocked for external use.

Service Cloud case ID: 00667286.


In the dashboards, when you apply widget level filters, the results on the charts does not render on the interface properly. This occurs because the labels on the chart overlap when there are significant variations in the values, some being very high and others being low (whose values are very near to each other). To overcome this issue, perform the workaround provided below.
  1. Add the same widget twice to the dashboard.
  2. In the first widget, apply the filter by selecting Range.
  3. Provide the lower range values and click Apply.
  4. Save the dashboard.

    You will now see all the lower values that were highlighted and the higher values are not seen.

  5. In the second widget, apply the filter by selecting At least option and provide a value which is higher than all the lower values.
  6. Save the dashboard.

    You will now see the higher values only.

Service Cloud case ID: 00719935.