You can compare dashboards that belong to two separate processes, or the same process with different filters. The dashboards selected for comparison appears as a side-by-side view to enable you to obtain better insights.


  • Compare dashboards:
    1. Open the dashboard that you want to compare.
    2. Navigate to Actions > Compare in the Bots Dashboard.
      Your dashboard is now in compare mode. The dashboard you have opened appears in both the Left View and Right View. You can apply widget filters to your dashboard at any time.
  • Apply widgets to your dashboards:
    1. Click the Filter option from your dashboards, represented by the three dots in the corner.
      The Filter window now appears and shows the available widgets.
      Note: The Filter option next to the Close option accesses the same Filter window. You can also expand or minimize the Filter window.
    2. Select the Left View or Right View.
    3. Select the Attributes, Numeric, or Time widgets that you want to apply.
    4. Optional: Click Clear All to reset all your widget selections.
    5. Click Apply to confirm.
      You can now compare your dashboard with widgets.