- Updated: 2025/01/02
Monitor all ongoing automations and pause, stop, and resume them as required. Also, view the Bot Runner (attended or unattended) trigger deployments in queue.
In-progress activity
The progress details of a bot run
contains information such as:
- The name of the bot.
- The action that is currently being performed.
- The line number that is being executed.
- The total number of lines in the bot.Note: You might notice a discrepancy between the line numbers on the In-progress tab and in the Bot run window for the activity report. This behavior is expected because the events sent to the Control Room are rate-limited, while the runtime user interface receives all the events.
- Status of the bot run (% completed).
Note: Bots
that Run with queue can only be paused, resumed, or stopped
using the row-level icons.
Note: The Failed or
Stopped activities on the In progress
activity page are automatically moved to page.
- The page, where the status is displayed as unsuccessful.
- The Bot migration report tab, where the status of the bot that was being converted and the migration process that was stopped is set as unsuccessful. The status of all other bots that were not converted is set as pending.
- The View historical activity page for the entry shows the reason for the failure.
For more information, see Tips on bot status shown on In progress page.
Depending on the permissions granted by administrators, as a user, you
can view and manage bots and bot folders. With specific
permissions, you can perform the following:
- View everyone's activity from my folders
- With run or schedule permissions on folders, you can view all bot activity started by other users from those folders. This will be a super set in the View my activity output.
- Manage everyone's activity from my folders
- With run or schedule permissions on folders, you can perform management activities, such as Pause, Resume, and Stop on all bot activity started by various users from those folders.
Based on the administrative permissions, you can apply various search parameters to monitor and find the required in-progress activities.
The following table describes various search parameters, their description, and possible
values or examples to search the in-progress activities:
Note: For troubleshooting a bot that stuck on the
In progress activity page, refer BOT stuck in In Progress Stage and not able to move it to history" or "BOT stuck in Pending execution Stage and not able to move it to history" on Automation 360 CLOUD and On-Prem environments.
You can pause, resume, stop, move, export, and refresh the activities or items by using
the actions in the Historical page. Hover over the actions icon
(vertical ellipsis) to enable and use the following actions:
- Pause checked items
- To pause the selected items
- Resume checked items
- To resume the selected paused items
- Stop checked items
- To stop the selected items
- Move checked items to history
- To stop the selected items
- Move checked items to history
- To move the selected activity from In progress to the Historical page.
- Export checked items to CSV
- To export selected items to a CSV file based on the following parameters:
- Filters
- Selection
- Refresh table
- To refresh the table with updated activity details
- Customize columns
- To show or hide specific columns
Important: Multiple workload automation entries equaling the number of devices
are shown on the In-progress activity page if the work items added
to a queue are fewer than the number of devices available in a device pool. For details
about a workload automation, see the View queue details page on the
user device on which the workload automation is deployed.