Using Set table cell text action

Use the Set table cell text action to set the text in a specific cell of a table or a grid.


To set a value in a table cell, follow these steps:

  1. In the Actions palette, double-click or drag the Set table cell text action from the SAP package.
  2. In the Session name field, enter the session name you used to connect to the SAP application in the Connect action.
  3. In the Field path field, specify the location or a string variable that contains the location of the object.
  4. In the Select option, select Text or Index to specify the text or index of the table cell:
    • Text: In the Find Text field, specify the value.

      The system searches for the cell that contains the value.

    • Index: In the Row and Column fields, specify the value.
  5. In the Set Text field, enter the text to set the table cell.
  6. Click Save.