Create a role, credentials, and locker to share related sensitive values with a group of users, so they can use those values to build or run bots.

Do the following to set up the locker and assign credentials:


  1. Create a role
    Define a role and assign permissions to access various features for building bots.
    Note: You must have the AAE_Admin role or the Manage roles permission to create a role and assign it to users.
  2. Create credential
    Create a credential and add the required attributes.
    Note: You must have the Manage my credentials and lockers and Create standard attributes for a credential permission to create a credential and attributes.
  3. Create locker
    Create a locker to group similar credentials and share with other users.
    Note: You must have the AAE_Locker Admin role or the Manage my credentials and lockers permission to create a locker and assign users and roles to it.