Community Edition A2019.18 Release Notes

Release date: 05 January 2021

Review the new features and supported packages in the Community Edition A2019.18 release (Build 7560).

Community Edition A2019

Important: This release includes a required update to your Bot Agent. Ensure that you complete the update to continue with your automation activities when upgrading from a previous release to this release.

Automatically update the Bot Agent | Manually update the Bot Agent

Build 7560 (Community Edition) is compatible with Bot Agent 16.19.8232.

New features
Configure timeout in Bot Migration package

When migrating bots, you can now set a timeout value in the range of 3 through 90 minutes (default value is 90 minutes). If the migration of any specific bot is not completed within the set time, a timeout message is displayed and the migration process moves to the next bot.

Use regular expressions in variables (Service Cloud case ID: 00628227)

Use regular expressions (regex) in value type variables to specify the entity on which you want to perform an operation. For example, actions in the File, Folder, String, and Window packages allow use of regular expression in variables.

When Enterprise 11 or Enterprise 10 bots with commands that use regular expressions in variables are migrated, if their equivalent actions in Enterprise A2019 do not support regular expressions, the regular expression is converted to string in the migrated bots.

Recorder enhancements
  • Use the AISense Recorder Define option to record an interaction, such as click active text, with an object that is only visible when you hover the mouse over the object.
  • If you record a click and keystrokes in a text box with a Control Type of PASSWORD_TEXT, the Recorder does not capture the keystrokes entered into the field. Instead, the action selects the Set text option and offers users the option to select a credential from the Credential Vault, enter a credential variable, or enter an insecure string.
Efficiently map input and output variables between parent and child bots (Service Cloud case ID: 00537090, 00698697)

For input variables, use the Quick map option to select the variables and set the values for the parent bot to pass. For output variables, use the Multiple variables tab to associate each dictionary key with a variable. This feature eliminates the need to use actions to extract the output dictionary values.

Task Bot package | Using the Run action

Support for PowerBuilder application in App Integration package (Service Cloud case ID: 00680703)

The App Integration package now supports PowerBuilder to capture and extract text from a window application. The Capture text of window action enables you to open a PowerBuilder screen to capture all the data and verify the captured text.

New action in Terminal Emulator package

Use the Search Field action in the Terminal Emulator package to search for a field based on the text it contains. This action returns the name or index of the field based on the option selected.

Terminal Emulator package

New action in PDF package

Use the Get Property action in the PDF package to retrieve the properties of a PDF file and assigns the properties to a dictionary variable.

Using the Get property action

New actions in Browser package

Use the following actions in the Browser package:

  • Close: Closes a Google Chrome browser window or tab.
  • Get source code: Retrieves the source code of a web page and saves it to a string variable.
  • Go back: Returns to a web page that you previously visited in the current tab.
  • Open: Opens the browser to a specific web page in an existing tab, new tab, or window.
  • Run JavaScript: Executes JavaScript in a web page.

Browser package

Specify application window dimensions

Use the Resize windows option to set the window height and width to specific dimensions or to the dimensions at which it was captured. This feature enhances the bot's ability to identify the target object.

The following packages support this feature:

  • App Integration
  • If Image recognition condition
  • If Legacy Automation > Window Control condition
  • Image Recognition
  • Simulate keystrokes
  • Legacy Automation Desktop > Manage windows controls action
  • Loop While > Image recognition condition
  • Loop While > Legacy Automation > Window Control condition
  • Mouse
  • OCR
  • Screen
Support for function keys in Terminal Emulator package

Function keys (F1 through F24) are now supported to automate processes using ANSI and VT100 terminals in the Terminal Emulator package.

Use regex case insensitive flag for Window title

Enable the regex Case insensitive flag to identify a Window title field as not case-sensitive. This feature enables you to successfully run the bots even if the letter case does not match the captured window title.

The following packages and actions support this feature:
  • Wait
  • Image Recognition
  • Simulate keystrokes
  • Mouse > Click action
  • Legacy Automation Desktop > Manage windows controls
  • OCR > Capture window, Capture area
  • Screen > Capture window, Capture area
  • Recorder > Capture
  • Window: Activate, Close, Maximize, Minimize, Resize

Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users (Automation Co-Pilot)

New features
New Automation Co-Pilot on the web package

Use the Automation Co-Pilot on the web package to perform actions such as assign, query, and cancel tasks; create and query requests; and retrieve a list of team members.

Process Composer package

Filter by time

You can now filter your requests and tasks by time:

  • Requests tab: Use the Created and Updated options in the Filter window to select any dates.
  • Tasks tab: Use the Task created and Task updated options in the Filter window to select any dates.

Filter and search for a request | Filter and search for a task

View updated dates
  • Use the new Updated column in the Requests tab to view the dates and time of a request that was last updated.
  • Use the new Task Updated column in the Tasks tab to view the date and time of a task that was last updated.
Variable options

In the Insert a variable window, the Variable field now shows child elements of available references, which include Dictionary, List, Record, and Table variable types.

Delete a request

Automation Co-Pilot administrators, managers, and users can now delete requests created by the Automation Co-Pilot process. The Automation Co-Pilot administrator can delete any requests. Automation Co-Pilot managers can delete requests of the team for which they are the owner. Automation Co-Pilot users can delete only the requests they have created.

Delete a request

Automatically assign managers and users

Users can now select the Auto assign this task option in the Human Task to assign managers or users to the task. Users can also select the Auto assign the target task to option in the Go to element to assign managers to the task.

Create a process automation in Process Composer

Discovery Bot

New features
Access Discovery Bot capabilities in Community Edition

Discovery Bot is now available in Community Edition and the free trial version. Log in to the Control Room and click the Discovery Bot tab on the left panel to get started.

The available limits to create processes, recordings, views, and opportunities are displayed on the respective page. Create any number of bots and download a PDD for your personal use as required.

A single Community Edition user is a multi-role user with Admin plus Business user plus Analyst permissions.

Get started with Discovery Bot

Use Model option for system-generated views

You can now use the Model option to compare and find the best aggregated view for your recordings. Use this option to save as many views with different combinations as required.

You can also save the view as a manual view to further customize your view and compare side-by-side. Select either an Easy or Strict model so that you can view recordings where the steps are the same versus recordings with different results with more branches in the process path.

Create a process view with branches and opportunities

Use Filter option for system-generated views

You can now use the Filter option to use a set of values to compare different sections of a process across various recordings by selecting a specific path and step filter. Used along with the Model option, the path and step filter options for a system-generated or manual view can help you to determine and decide on a good candidate for automation.

Create a process view with branches and opportunities

Use toggle frequency counter option for system-generated views

You can now use the toggle frequency counter to display the number of recordings that a particular path takes in the flow in a system-generated view. Use this option to help you understand the frequency of the path compared to other recordings or views.

Create a process view with branches and opportunities

Remove recording screenshot for data privacy

Use the Screen option (icon) to display or hide the recording screenshot before submitting the recording for the analyst to review. Use this option when you do not want to share personal image details with the analyst.

Record a Discovery Bot business process

Download PDD from the Opportunities table

You can now download a process definition document (PDD) for an opportunity directly from the Opportunities table listed on the Opportunities page. The PDD is automatically generated when the opportunity is created. After the PDD is generated, the field changes from generating PDD to Download PDD. You can then download and save the document.

Review opportunities and convert to bot

Bot Insight

New features
Access Bot Insight data from Tableau

Use the Tableau connector in Bot Insight to access business and operational information. The Tableau connector connects to the Bot Insight APIs to create various business and operational metrics that you can analyze and visualize within Tableau.

Configure Tableau web data connector in Bot Insight

Supported packages

Package Version
Application 2.1.0-20201112-22332
App Integration 2.3.0-20201210-171315
Active Directory 2.1.0-20201112-223323
Boolean 2.1.0-20201126-165109
Browser 2.3.0-20201211-222811
Clipboard 2.1.0-20201126-165124
Comment 2.3.0-20201126-165125
CSV/TXT 2.3.0-20201126-165126
Database 2.2.0-20201112-223343
Data Table 2.5.0-20201201-130615
Datetime 2.2.0-20201126-165136
Delay 2.2.0-20201126-165137
Dictionary 3.2.0-20201126-165138
Run DLL 3.3.0-20201126-165850
Email 3.2.0-20201120-062604
Error handler 2.3.0-20201126-165148
Excel basic 2.4.0-20201126-165604
Excel advanced 5.3.0-20201208-090251
File 3.2.0-20201126-165151
Folder 3.1.0-20201126-165154
FTP / SFTP 2.2.0-20201115-072759
Image Recognition 2.2.0-20201117-081754
JavaScript 2.4.0-20201126-165412
Simulate keystrokes 2.5.0-20201112-223902
Legacy Automation 3.2.0-20201124-064544


List 2.2.0-20201126-165427
Log To File 2.2.0-20201126-165428
Loop 2.1.0-20201126-165429
Message Box 2.1.0-20201126-165430
Mouse 2.2.0-20201112-223917
Number 2.1.0-20201126-165444
OCR 2.3.0-20201126-081210
Microsoft 365 Excel 2.2.0-20201104-062559
Microsoft 365 Calendar 2.1.0-20201111-162101
Microsoft 365 OneDrive 2.2.0-20201126-165550
PDF 2.6.0-20201126-165555
PGP 2.2.0-20201126-165557
Ping 2.1.0-20201126-165559
Play Sound 2.1.0-20201127-115706
Prompt 2.2.0-20201109-192507
Python Script 2.4.0-20201208-064944
Recorder 2.10-20201215-211402
REST Web Services 3.2.0-20201112-224735
SAP 2.2.0-20201126-165852
Screen 2.2.0-20201126-165855
SNMP 2.1.0-20201126-165859
SOAP Web Service 3.2.0-20201123-093411
String 3.1.0-20201126-165909
System 3.0.0-20200921-090225
Terminal Emulator 3.6.0-20201213-084139
VBScript 2.4.0-20201208-065526
Wait 3.1.0-20201126-165922
Window 2.3.0-20201123-093430
Workload 2.1.0-20200825-071644
XML 2.1.0-20201126-165927