
As an administrator, you can create, view, edit, delete, and enable or disable a user. Creating users steps vary depending on whether the user is a non-Active Directory, Active Directory, or single sign-on (SSO) user from an IdP server.

Column actions

  • Click a column header to sort by ascending or descending order.
  • Drag and drop a column header to move the column left or right.
  • Drag the end of a column corner to re-size.
Note: The API key expiration column displays the date and time when the API key expires for users who have generated their API keys. You can use this information to notify the users to renew their API keys before the API keys expire so that the users can run their automations seamlessly.

Individual user actions

Perform the following tasks on an individual user:

Opens the View user page in read-only mode. It shows user details, assigned roles, and general details such as Last Modified, Modified by, Object type, and User type.
You can edit a user detail and enable or disable a user.
Opens the Edit user page in write mode. You can update user details, device login credentials, assigned roles, and device licenses.
Note: You cannot edit the username.
When you edit a user, an email is sent notifying the user if SMTP is enabled.
Only user devices with the Bot Agent installed at the system level are available for selection as the default device.
Activates or deactivates the user. When you enable or disable a user, an email is sent notifying the user if SMTP is enabled.
Deletes the user. This is useful when users leave an organization or move to another role. This frees both the device to which the user was attached and the allocated license.
When you delete a user, an email is sent notifying the user if SMTP is enabled.
Note: Before removing a user from any ongoing active development, administrators should make certain all unfinished development of bots are checked-in.

Automation 360 sends emails whenever a user who owns a credential or locker is deleted. These alerts are sent to authorized users with Manage my lockers permissions. In cases where multiple users possess this permission, email notifications are sent to all the relevant users.

In the event that no users hold the locker management permissions, alerts are instead sent to users with User Management permissions.

Table-level actions

Perform the following tasks by hovering the mouse over the icons at the top-right of the User table. These actions can be performed only at a table-level and not on individual items.

Create role with checked items
Adds a role and assigns the selected users.

Create a user

Delete checked items
Deletes the selected users. You cannot delete a user who is currently logged in.
Export to CSV
Exports the users listed in the table in CSV format.
Note: You can view the API key expiration information for users who have generated their API keys. You can use this information to notify the users to renew their API keys before the API keys expire.
Refresh table
Refreshes the table and reflects the latest data.
Customize columns
Select the columns to show or hide in the table.