Share the output folder with all the devices on the cluster so that when IQ Bot processes documents, the extracted data is saved to the one output folder.

Follow the steps to make your shared folder accessible to IQ Bot.


  1. Change log on of the application services with .\Administrator account on all cluster nodes.
  2. On primary (shared folder) node, change following settings:
    1. Click Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Advanced Sharing Setting
    2. Expand Private and click Network Discovery.
    3. In Network Discovery:
      1. Select Turn on Network Discovery.
      2. Check the Turn on automatic setup of network connected devices checkbox.
      3. Click File and Printer Sharing and then select the Turn on file and printer sharing checkbox.
    4. Expand Guest or Public and click Network Discovery.
    5. In Network Discovery:
      1. Select Turn on Network Discovery.
      2. Click File and Printer Sharing and then select the Turn on file and printer sharing checkbox.

      Open "Local Group Policy Editor". Go to Local Computer Policy >> Windows Settings >> Security Settings >> Local Policies >> Security Options. Find "Network access : Sharing and security model for local accounts". Change it to "Guest only - local users authenticate as Guest".

    6. Click Local Group Policy Editor.
    7. Click Local Computer Policy > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options.
    8. Find Network access : Sharing and security model for local accounts and change it to Guest only - local users authenticate as Guest.
    9. Execute this Powershell script:

      Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters" -Name "AllowInsecureGuestAuth" -Type DWord -Value 1

      You need to execute this Powershell script on every machine which is a part of the cluster.

Next steps

After you have made the shared folder accessible to every device in the cluster, proceed to step 3 in Installing IQ Bot in Cluster mode.