Use the Connect action to establish a connection with a SAP system that you want to use to automate SAP-related tasks using SAP Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI).

This must be the first action you use to automate an SAP-related task using SAP BAPI.


Download the SAP Java connector package and DLL from the SAP website.


  1. In the Actions palette, double-click or drag the Connect action from the SAP package.
  2. In the SAP BAPI Session field, specify a name for the session.
  3. In the JCo: SAP Java Connector package field, specify the location of the SAP Java connector package as credential, variable, or an insecure string.
    Note: The credential, variable, and insecure string fields mentioned in this topic are defined as follows:
    • Credential: Enables you to use a value available in the Credential Vault.
    • Variable: Enables you to use a value that is stored as a credential variable.
    • Insecure string: Enables you to manually specify the values.
  4. In the JCo DLL dependency field, specify the location of the SAP JCo DLL dependency as a credential, variable, or an insecure string.
  5. In the Connection type, select one of the following options:
    • Custom Application Server:

      Specify the SAP server hostname as a credential, variable, or an insecure string.

    • Group/Server:
      1. Specify the SAP message server hostname as a credential, variable, or an insecure string.
      2. Optional: Specify the gateway host you want to use to connect to the server in the Gateway host field.
      3. Optional: Specify the logon group you want to use to connect to the server in the Logon group field.
  6. In the System number field, specify the instance number.
  7. Optional: In the SAP instance system ID field, specify the unique code of your SAP instance.
  8. In the Client number field, specify the client number.
  9. In the Logon language code field, specify the language code based on ISO 639-1. For example: EN (for English).
  10. Optional: In the Router string field, specify the SAP router path when the target server is behind a firewall.
  11. In the Authentication type field, select one of the following options:
    • Username and password:

      Specify the username and password of your SAP BAPI account.

    • SNC:

      Secure Network Communications (SNC) integrates SAP NetWeaver Single Sign-On (SSO) or an external security product with SAP systems. SNC secures the data communication paths between the various SAP system client and server components. Select this option to strengthen security by using additional security functions that are not directly available with SAP systems.

      1. Specify the SNC name of the communication partner.
      2. In the Protection level field, select the required data protection level to apply from the drop-down list.
        • When using Authentication only protection level, the system verifies the identity of the communication partners. This is the minimal protection level offered by SNC.
        • When using Integrity Protection, the system detects any changes or manipulation of the data which might have occurred between the two endpoints of a communication.
        • When using Privacy Protection, the system encrypts the messages being transferred. Privacy protection also includes integrity protection of the data.
        • Default Protection applies the global default protection level.
        • Maximum security settings available is the maximum value that the current security product supports.
      3. In the SNC library field, specify the path and file name of the external security product library as a credential, variable, or an insecure string.
      4. Select the Login with username and password check box and specify the username and password as a credential, variable, or an insecure string.
        Note: For SSO authentication login, you do not have to provide the username and password. To authenticate without SSO, you must provide the username and password.