Supported special characters in usernames and passwords

Use only supported special characters when creating user names and passwords. Supported characters vary depending upon where they are used.

In all of the below listed cases, the standard alphanumeric characters, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 are supported. The special characters allowed or specifically excluded from particular use are typical to standard English keyboards. The maximum number of characters supported is 256.

See the table below to verify the special characters that can be used in names or passwords.
TLS certificate
Do not use at sign ( @ ) in passwords
The asterisk ( * ) is supported.
Do not use the pipe ( | ), semicolon ( ; ), or colon ( : ) in user names or passwords.
Do not use the asterisk ( * ), question mark ( ? ), or bracket left or right ( [ ] ) in the worksheet name.
Do not use percent ( % ) or space ( ) in the database name.
Do not use semicolon ( ; ) or colon ( : ) in the database username or password.

Supported characters

Characters supported for authentication are acceptable for both user names and passwords. In the table:

  • Supported means the character is explicitly supported for that use.
  • Do not use means the character is explicitly not supported for that use.
  • Double dash (--) means results with using the character for that use are unknown.
Character Windows authentication Control Room authentication Username, or password JSON Web Token authentication
ampersand ( & ) Supported Supported -- Supported
angle bracket, left or right ( < > ) Supported -- -- --

apostrophe, straight single ( ' )

Supported -- -- --
asterisk ( * ) Supported -- -- --
at sign ( @ ) Supported Supported -- Supported
braces left or right ( { } ) Supported -- -- --
bracket left or right ( [ ] ) Supported -- -- --
caret ( ^ ) Supported -- -- --
colon ( : ) Do not use -- Do not use --
dollar sign ( $ ) Supported Supported -- Supported
equal sign ( = ) Supported -- -- --
exclamation point ( ! ) Supported Supported -- Supported
hyphen ( - ) Supported Supported Supported Supported
parenthesis, left or right ( ( ) ) Supported -- -- --
percent ( % ) Supported Supported Do not use Supported
period ( . ) Supported Supported Supported Supported
pipe ( | ) Do not use -- -- --
plus sign ( + ) Supported -- -- --
number sign ( # ) Supported Supported Supported Supported
question mark ( ? ) Supported -- -- --
semicolon ( ; ) Do not use -- Do not use --

slash, forward or backward ( / \ )

Supported -- -- --
space Supported -- Do not use --
underscore ( _ ) Supported Supported Supported Supported