Open program/file action

The Open Program/File action in the Application enables you to launch an application or a file.


  • Click Browse under the Location of the program/file field to specify the filepath of the application.

    For example, if you want to launch the Google Chrome application, the location will be C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe.

    Note: You can also enter the complete filepath in this field.
  • Optional: In the Start in path field, enter the filepath of the working directory that you want to use.

    If this is not specified, the current working directory of the calling process is used as the starting directory. However, if you want to specify a different starting directory, you can provide a valid path in the Start in path field. This is often used when you want to ensure that the operation has a specific working directory that might be different from the location of the calling program.

  • Optional: In the Parameters field, specify the parameters or arguments you want to pass to the program.

    For example, if you are using the command line, enter the arguments in this field.

Note: When you enter a filepath in the Location of the program/file or Start in path field and use a backslash (\) character to separate the filepath, the backslash (\) character is changed to forward slash (/) when you save the bot. To support multiple platforms, Automation 360 converts the filepath to a relative path, and the bot uses a forward slash (/) to separate the filepath.

The bots will continue to run successfully even when the backslash (\) is changed to a forward slash (/).