Handle sessions in a custom package
- Updated: 2022/05/20
You can extract a session using a session name from the SessionsMap. In the same package, you can use sessions to pass information between actions, but not to other packages.
Configure the following attributes
- Apply an annotation to the class field and add a corresponding public setter.
- Retrieve the SessionsMap using the Sessions attribute.
- Set the variable type as Map<String, Object>.
- Set the attributeType: TEXT or SESSION. If type = TEXT, it is a regular session; if type = SESSION, it is a sharedSession.
Start a new session
@CommandPkg(label = "Start session", name = "startSession", description = "Start new session",
icon = "pkg.svg", node_label = "start session {{sessionName}}|") public class Start {
private Map<String, Object> sessions;
public void start(@Idx(index = "1", type = TEXT) @Pkg(label = "Session name",
default_value_type = STRING, default_value = "Default") @NotEmpty String sessionName) {
// Check for existing session
if (sessions.containsKey(sessionName))
throw new BotCommandException(MESSAGES.getString("xml.SessionNameInUse", sessionName));
// Do some operation
// Create new session
sessions.put(sessionName, new Session(operation));
public void setSessions(Map<String, Object> sessions) {
this.sessions = sessions;
End a session
@CommandPkg(label = "End session", name = "endSession", description = "End session", icon =
"pkg.svg", node_label = "End session {{sessionName}}|")
public class EndSession {
private Map<String, Object> sessions;
public void end(
@Idx(index = "1", type = TEXT) @Pkg(label = "Session name", default_value_type = STRING,
default_value = "Default") @NotEmpty String sessionName) {
public void setSessions(Map<String, Object> sessions) {
this.sessions = sessions;
Add a session
In the below example, string objects are used (although in real actions, you can use complex objects).
@CommandPkg(label = "[[SessionDemo.label]]", description = "[[SessionDemo.description]]", icon = "sample.svg", name = "sessionDemo")
public class SessionDemo {
// Sessions are provided as a Map. Actions can add or remove entries in this
// Map.
// The choice to reuse/overwrite/delete/add any Object in this Map belongs to
// the actions, and the framework makes no assumption regarding it.
private Map<String, Object> sessionMap;
public void execute(@Idx(index = "1", type = TEXT)
@Pkg(label = "[[SessionDemo.name.label]]")
String name) {
if (!sessionMap.containsKey(name))
sessionMap.put(name, "Some Value");
// Ensure that a public setter exists.
public void setSessionMap(Map<String, Object> sessionMap) {
this.sessionMap = sessionMap;
Set a session variable
The below example shows how to develop an action (for example, Set session variable). In the action, the session details are retrieved and stored as a session variable so that the information can be used within a specific package.
@CommandPkg(label = "[[SessionDemo2.label]]", description = "[[SessionDemo2.description]]", icon = "sample.svg", name = "SessionDemo2",
return_type = DataType.STRING)
public class SessionDemo2 {
// Sessions are provided as a Map. Actions can add or remove entries in this
// Map.
// The choice to reuse/overwrite/delete/add any Object in this Map belongs to
// the actions, and the framework makes no assumption regarding it.
private Map<String, Object> sessionMap;
public Value<?> execute(@Idx(index = "1", type = TEXT)
@Pkg(label = "[[SessionDemo2.name.label]]")
String name) {
if (sessionMap.containsKey(name)) {
return new StringValue(sessionMap.get(name));
return new StringValue("session does not exist");
// Ensure that a public setter exists.
public void setSessionMap(Map<String, Object> sessionMap) {
this.sessionMap = sessionMap;