Document Automation security FAQ

Review the FAQs to learn more about the data and security measures implemented in Document Automation.

Which LLM does Document Automation send the queries to?
Document Automation currently uses Microsoft Azure OpenAI services and Anthropic for LLM use. Microsoft Azure OpenAI currently use GPT3.5-Turbo and OpenAI ADA models.
In which countries are the Document Automation documents submitted for processing when using LLMs?
For the list of regions where the documents are submitted for processing, see Document Automation settings.
Does Automation Anywhere permit vendors to train their LLMs on data from documents submitted to Document Automation?
No, Automation Anywhere does not use or allow any third-party vendors to use documents or data submitted by customers or users for training purposes.
Does Automation Anywhere train its own instance of any LLMs on data from documents submitted to Document Automation?
No, Automation Anywhere does not use or allow any third-party vendors to use documents or data submitted by customers or users for training purposes.
Do any additional vendors have access to prompts or documents which customers submit to Document Automation?
Yes, please see Exhibit C of our DPA (link at the end of this paragraph) for a list of vendors who have access to data submitted by customers to Document Automation. The applicable vendors will say “Document Automation” in the second column labeled Applicable Services. Link to DPA.
Does Automation Anywhere store documents submitted to Document Automation or data extracted from the documents?
Beside Automation Anywhere Cloud hosting providers, the Automation Anywhere vendors do not store any documents, as documents exist in a transitory state only. However, to enable customers validate the documents, Automation Anywhere stores the document images and the OCR output of the document text in the Cloud instance.
What kind of data is shared with the LLM services?
Documents, content from documents, and prompt or search queries.
Will Automation Anywhere enter into a Business Associate Agreement (“BAA”) for the processing of Protected Health Information (as defined by C.F.R. § 160.103) (“PHI”) with respect to PHI, which a customer submits to Document Automation?
Yes. Typically, our BAA is automatically incorporated into our Cloud Automation Agreement. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or Sales Executive (SE) to check whether you have a BAA in place, and if not, they will get you a copy of our BAA.
Will Automation Anywhere enter into a Data Processing Agreement (“DPA”) for the processing of Personal Data which a customer submits to Document Automation?
Yes. Typically, our DPA is automatically incorporated into our Cloud Automation Agreement. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or Sales Executive (SE) to check whether you have a DPA in place, and if not, they will get you a signed copy of our DPA. If you would like to see the terms in our DPA , it can be found here: Automation Anywhere DPA Agreement
Important data usage details from Google Vision OCR Service (Source: Google).
Google Vision OCR Service Data Usage