Automation 360 includes predefined roles that cannot be edited or deleted. Each role has the standard permissions, plus the permissions necessary to perform the tasks within the scope of that role.

Standard permissions

All system-created roles include the following permissions:
  • View dashboards
  • View my in progress activity
  • Manage my credentials and lockers
  • Create standard attributes for a credential (except for Discovery Bot roles)
  • View and manage my Bot runners, Bot creators, and devices
  • View and manage my queues
  • View users and roles basic information
Disabling system-created roles
You can disable a system-created role by navigating to the specific role and moving the slider to the left. By default this option is enabled.disable system defined role
Note: When the system-defined role is disabled, it becomes inaccessible on the Administration > Users > Create user page, preventing users from being assigned to it during creation. Once the role transitions from disabled to enabled, it becomes accessible again for assignment on the user creation page.