How to find a migration journalid
- Updated: 2021/01/12
Migrations can have more than one journalid. You can find the journalid in the response of a results list for a specific migration id.
In this request, we searched for results for the migration with the id 16.
request returned the id in each object list as
the journalid. In this example, there are two journal identifiers,
30 and 31, for the migration id 16.{
"page": {
"offset": 0,
"total": 2,
"totalFilter": 2
"list": [
"sourceId": 12,
"sourceName": "Dependency of IGN-23437.mbot",
"sourcePath": "Automation Anywhere\\Bots\\My MetaBots\\Dependency of IGN-23437.mbot",
"sourceType": "application/vnd.aa.mbot",
"targetId": 0,
"status": "FAILED",
"reason": "The logic IGN-23437 has some commands or actions which are not yet supported for migration.",
"selectedByUser": true,
"userId": 9,
"id": 30,
"targetName": "",
"targetPath": "",
"targetType": ""
"sourceId": 12,
"sourceName": "Dependency of IGN-23437.mbot",
"sourcePath": "Automation Anywhere\\Bots\\My MetaBots\\Dependency of IGN-23437.mbot",
"sourceType": "application/vnd.aa.mbot",
"targetId": 0,
"status": "FAILED",
"reason": "Migration of MetaBot failed.",
"selectedByUser": false,
"userId": 9,
"id": 31,
"targetName": "",
"targetPath": "",
"targetType": ""
You can use the migration id and journal id in an action mapping