Learn how to create different groups with start and stop events, and use the groups to design a Process Definition Document (PDD).

After you selected your instances, you can create groups for the events and build your PDD.

Groups created more than a year before the current date will not display in the Diagram Composer. Users with access to an existing process that is attached to the expired group can recreate the group for operations. To recreate, open the process you created that has the group and click Save as New Process. This will copy the process and any groups of the process, then display them in the Diagram Composer.


  1. Click Create Group to place the steps in different groups for the PDD.
    You can create groups for tasks that are part of the process.
  2. In the Create Group window, drag a step from the process workflow and move it into the Start Node.
    The Start Node is the beginning of the task. For help building the group of steps as tasks in the overall process, refer to the View Instances page for the selected screens. For example, to create tasks related to completing fields on a checkout page, you can
    • Group all steps in one group and name the group Checkout; or
    • Create multiple groups for individual tasks like Add Payment in one group or add Shipping address in another group.
  3. Select the last step in the group and place the screen in the End Node(s).
    The End Node(s) is the end of the task.
  4. Enter a name in the Group Name text box.
  5. Select a color for the group from the drop-down next to the Group Name text box.
  6. Click Save to save the group.
  7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for all steps you want to group.
  8. Open a new browser tab and navigate to the Process Discovery platform.
  9. From the left pane, navigate to Models > Diagram Composer.
    In the Browser Processes and Groups section, the instances and groups are displayed.
  10. Click the + sign to add a flow box for each group.
    Each flow box appears on top of the previous box. Move these boxes into a row or column. The groups are listed in reverse order from when they were created.
  11. To connect one flow box to another flow box, click the > on the side of the flow box and drag the arrow to connect the boxes.
  12. To document a process with branches, click the Decision Point.
    A diamond share flow box appears in the composer.
  13. In the Details window, click the pencil symbol to enter a name for the decision point.
  14. Repeat steps 10 through 13 until you have completed adding flow boxes for all groups in the PDD.
  15. Click Auto Layout to display any missed connections.
  16. Update the flow boxes as needed.
  17. To save your PDD, specify a name in the text field and click Save.
    The Generate PDD button appears.
  18. Click Generate PDD to start generating a PDD.
  19. Select Yes or No to include an image appendix.
    The image appendix includes full-sized screen shots of the steps.
    Note: The default images for each step is a zoomed-in snippet of the events interaction point.

    The events interaction point is the area on the screen where the user is focused which is typically denoted by a red circle on the screen shot.

    The Process Specifications page appears and the message Generating PDD displays in the bottom left corner.
  20. Click Download PDD to open the PDD document.
    The generated Word document is available from your Downloads folder on your machine. The zip file contains all the images.
  21. Review and modify the document, (if needed) and then save your PDD.