When you automate an email-related task in Microsoft 365 Outlook, Automation Workspace retrieves various properties of an email and stores the values of these properties in a dictionary variable.

Email properties such as subject, recipients, senders, message, and received date and time are retrieved. The email properties are stored in a dictionary variable within the following dictionary keys:
Email property Data type Description
emailSentTime String Retrieves the time when the email was sent.
emailCc String Retrieves the recipient mail id from the CC list.
emailReceivedDate String Retrieves the date when the email was received.
emailMessage String Retrieves the text from the email body.
emailNoOfAttachments String Retrieves the attachment count. If there are no attachments, the count displayed is 0.
emailFrom String Retrieves the email ID which is received from. The from address is what your recipients will see.
emailID String Retrieves the email message Id.
emailTo String Retrieves the recipient's email ID.
emailBcc String Retrieves the recipient mail id from the BCC list.
emailSentDate String Retrieves the date when the email was sent.
emailReceivedTime String Retrieves the time when the email was received.
emailSubject String Retrieves the value of the email subject.
The email received and sent date and time are retrieved in the following format:
  • Date: dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss

    Sample output: 22/09/2022 17:07:13

  • Time: HH:mm:ss Z

    Sample output: 17:07:13 +0900

The system automatically associates the properties of an email with the appropriate dictionary keys. You can use the values stored in these dictionary keys in another task, store them in a database, or for any other purpose. These keys are available in the system and you must use them as specified above. For example, if you have created a dictionary variable 'Test' and want to display the subject and sender of an email in a message prompt, you must enter Test{emailSubject} and Test{emailFrom} in the appropriate fields.

If you press F2 to use a variable in a field, you must select Test from the Choose a variable list and enter emailSubject in the Dictionary key field in the Insert a variable dialog box to store the subject of an email in that field. Similarly, you can enter emailFrom in the Dictionary key field to use the email address of the sender of an email in a field.

The dictionary key variable is required for all email-related tasks you automate from Microsoft Outlook and any mail server if you want to use the email properties. You can use the dictionary key variable for the following Email actions:
  • Change status
  • Delete
  • Forward
  • Reply
  • Save attachments
  • Save email
    Note: The time required to save an email varies based on the size of the attachments available in that email.