The interactive forms package contains actions that handle exceptions encountered by a bot. All the actions performed by users on the interactive forms can be monitored to execute logic using subtasks.

Interactive forms are first-class citizens within the bot repository and have the same workflows for moving forms between public and private workspaces, and for export or import actions. Handling exceptions ensures that a bot completes a task when it encounters an error.

Interactive forms should be used as containers for data to be consumed, collected, and used during bot automation. No human interaction occurs in this type of form. Bot actions can interact with these forms when data is mapped during the bot build from sources like web applications and databases. Users wanting forms during human interaction should use process automation where data can be entered during run time. Add Form Task to a process automation

Actions in the Interactive forms package

The interactive forms package includes form-level and element-level actions.

The following actions are available at the form level:

The following actions are available at the element level:

Action Description
Assign Assigns dynamic values to the Dropdown element of a form.
  • Select or insert a variable in the Form name field.
  • Select the Dropdown element of the form from the Form element field, which is enabled when an event is triggered.
  • Use Assign to set one of the following actions:
    • Append: Specified values or variables are added to the selected Dropdown element.
    • Overwrite: Specified values or variables replace the existing data in the selected Dropdown element.
Note: The Assign action is now applicable for the Checkbox and Radio Button elements in interactive forms.
Enable Enables the specified element of the selected form.
  • Select or insert a variable in the Form name field.
  • Select a specific element of the form from the Form element field, which is enabled when an event is triggered.
Disable Disables the specified element of the selected form.
Get Retrieves the value from the specified element of the selected form.
  • Select or insert a variable in the Form name field and use the Form element to select a specific element of the form.
  • Use the Returns the value drop-down menu to assign this value to a variable when an event is triggered.

Create a variable

Set Assigns the user-defined or global variable to the selected element of the specified form.
  • Select or insert a variable in the Form name field and use the Form element to select a specific element of the form.
    If you select Table as the Form element, use the Set Value Type to enable the following additional options:
    • Table: Sets the variable value to the entire table.
    • Row: Sets the variable value to the selected row.
  • Use the Input value to assign a user-defined or system variable into this element when an event is triggered.
Set focus Sets the focus on the selected element of a form.
  • Select or insert a variable in the Form name field.
  • Use the Form element to select the specific element of the form and set the focus:
    • For form elements such as a text box, text area, number or date, the cursor appears on the element.
    • For form elements such as a check box or radio button, the emphasis is on the first option.
Highlight Highlights the specified element of the selected form.
  • Select or insert a variable in the Form name field.
  • Use the Form element to select the specific element of the form to highlight it when an event is triggered.
  • Use the Highlight Type drop-down menu to select one of the following:
    • Warning: Displays a warning alert on the specified form element.
    • Error: Displays an error alert on the specified form element.
Unhighlight Removes the highlight from the specified element of the selected form.
Change label Changes the label of the selected form element.
  • Select or insert a variable in the Form name field.
  • Use the Form element to select the specific element of the form for which the label must change when an event is triggered.
  • Enter the name in New label field.
Note: The Change label action is now applicable for Button elements in interactive forms.
Dynamic area
Add row in Dynamic area
Note: The Dynamic area, Select folder, and Snapshot elements are not supported for web forms.
Applies only to forms that have a Dynamic element. This action renders the selected form field as a single row when the bot starts.
  • Select or insert a variable in the Form name field.
  • Use the Dynamic area drop-down menu to select the dynamic element of the form.
  • Use Append or Overwrite to add a row for the specified dynamic area.
  • Use Add element to insert elements into the dynamic area.
    • Use the Type drop-down menu to select the element type such as Checkbox group, Drop-down, File, Radio group, Snapshot, Text area, or Textbox.
    • Use the Label field to enter a name for the element.
    • Click Add to add the element.

    You can add up to four elements.

Clear Clears all the dynamic elements in the specified form.