Move from IQ Bot Extractionpackage to Document Automation
As of the Automation 360 v.26 release, the IQ Bot Extractionpackage will be deprecated. Instead, configure your learning instances from
Automation 360 IQ Bot to extract data in the new document processing solution, Document Automation.
Check if any bots in use the IQ Bot Extractionpackage: Navigate to Manage > Packages, and search for the IQ Bot Extractionpackage. If the status is Enabled, you must do
steps on this page to identify the bots that contain the Process
documents action and the associated learning instances, and configure
those learning instances to run in Document Automation.
In this page, you connect your learning instances from Automation 360 IQ Bot, build a bot to upload documents to Document Automation, publish the
learning instance assets, and deploy them to a Bot Runner.
Identify the learning instances that you must connect to Document Automation:
Navigate to Automation page, under the
Public tab, locate the Bots
Click on a Task Bot to open the Bot editor.
If the Task Bot contains the IQ Bot Extraction > Process documentsaction, locate the Learning instance name
field and note the value. This is the name of the learning instance that you
must connect to Document Automation.
Repeat these steps to identify all the learning instances that must be
connected to Document Automation.
Connect your learning instances to Document Automation
When you connect a
learning instance that was created in Automation 360 IQ Bot, the system creates
learning instance assets (RPA bots, Automation Co-Pilot
process, and form) to enable the learning instance to start processing documents in
Document Automation.
The Connect learning instance option
is planned to be deprecated in January, 2025. We recommend that such
customers use the IQ Bot - Document Automation
Bridge package to use the IQ Bot learning
instances in Document Automation. See Upcoming feature deprecations.
You must have the AAE_Basic
and AAE_Bot Developer role with the Bot
Creator license.
This feature is accessible only within Document Automation (not available in Community Edition). If you are an IQ Bot customer, you can use this feature
within Document Automation.
The Automation 360 IQ Bot environment must be associated with the Control Room where Document Automation is installed.
In addition, Automation 360 IQ Bot must be in a version that is
compatible with the Control Room.
You can connect one learning instance at a time.
Login to the Control Room as the Admin user.
Navigate to AI > Document Automation. Click
Connect learning instance.
This takes you to Connect Learning Instances from IQ Bot classic
page which contains a list of Automation 360 IQ Bot learning
Select the learning instance from version Automation 360 IQ Bot to connect
with. Move it from left to right. Click Connect.
The newly-connected learning instance appears in the Learning instances
table in private mode.
Upload documents to the learning instance that you connected in the previous step
to test its extraction capability.
Click Process documents.
In the Process Documents window, click
Browse to select the files to upload.
Note: Documents with file names exceeding 149 characters
will display an error during processing. Ensure that the file names remain
below the 150-character limit.
In the Download data to field, enter the file
path that will hold extracted data.
When the process runs, it creates the following three folders in the
provided file path:
Success: Contains the extracted data in the
specified format (CSV or JSON).
Invalid: Holds documents marked invalid.
Failed: Holds documents that could not be
You can provide an output folder path based on one of the
following options:
Option 1: The local device path if you have set
up document processing and validation on the same device.
This option is typically used when you are testing the
learning instance.
Option 2: The shared folder path if you have
set up distributed validation on separate devices.
option is typically used for published learning instances.
For example,
Click Process documents.
The Bot Runner window appears. The window
disappears when the documents are done processing. Refresh the
Learning instances table to see the updated
If there is a value next to the Validate documents
link, you must manually validate the document fields. Otherwise, proceed to step
To skip a document without correcting errors, click
Skip to proceed to the next document
in the validation queue.
To remove a document that cannot be processed, click
Mark as Invalid.
After you make the necessary corrections, click
Submit so that the document can finish
The next document in queue appears. When all the documents are
corrected, the system displays a message stating that no more tasks are
Close the tab to return to the Learning Instances
Verify the output results:
Open the file in the Success folder that contains the
extracted data and review the results to ensure that it matches your use
The Microsoft forms return
extracted values (OCR data) in the JSON format, such as
GUID_0-MSFormTableResult.json. Along with the extracted
document data in <<GUID>>_FileName CSV file,
the Success folder also shows the extracted table data
separately in another CSV files. Based on the number of tables in the document,
you can find different CSV files for each table. For example,
separate table data, you can compare extracted data with Microsoft engine
data in the GUID_0-MSFormTableResult.json file.
Optional: Review the Learning Instance dashboard.
The dashboard displays the total number of uploaded documents and the
number of documents pending validation.
Configure the learning instance to process documents in production
Navigate to Automation > Private tab > Bots > Document Workspace processes and select the folder with the same name as the learning
Mouse over the vertical ellipses to the right of the process to open
the actions menu and click Check in
The Check in Process window opens with
the bots and form auto-selected to also be checked in.
In the Check in Process window, add your comment
and click Check in.
The process appears in the same folder structure in the public
See these steps in a video:
Note: The Private mode
is used for testing in a controlled environment and cannot be viewed by other
users. The Public mode is used when the bot is
production-ready, allowing it to be viewed and accessed by others based on
permissions set by the administrator.
Publish the Extraction-Schedulerbot.
Locate the Extraction-Schedulerbot in the private tab.
Mouse over the triple ellipses to the right of the bot to open the menu and click Check in Task bot.
The Check in Task
bot page opens with the bot
Add a comment and click Check in.
Login as the Document Automation Admin user to
deploy the process and bots to unattended Bot Runner devices: Deploy the learning instance assets