The custom secrets naming allows you to provide your own secret naming format without conforming to any Automation 360 encoding conventions.

.You can create a mapping of the Control Room username with the secret names. To map the Control Room usernames with the secret names, you must import a .CSV template file which contains the username, secrets names mapping entries into the Control Room.

Note: Ensure that you have the view and manage settings permission to proceed with the procedure.


As a first time user, you can download a .CSV template to upload from Administration > Settings > External key vault > Device auto login > View custom secrets mapping option even before you configure an external key vault. The View custom secrets mapping option also allows you to view all the mapped entries at a glance.


To import the .CSV template for custom secrets mapping, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Settings > External key vault > Device auto login.
  2. Click Edit and select Manage custom secrets mapping.
  3. Download the .CSV template and add the username, secret name in the format specified and save it locally. Ignore this step if have already have the .CSV template ready as mentioned in the prerequisites.
    Note: In the Automation 360 On-Premises deployments with Active Directory, prefix the username with domain. Example: domain\username.

    For ARCON key vault the .CSV template contains the following data fields, except for the Hostname (optional) field, other fields are mandatory:

    • ARCON username: If the ARCON username is of format domain\username, specify the username in this field in the same format.
    • Server IP address
    • Target type
    • Open for hours (numeric)
    • (Optional) Hostname
  4. Click Import .CSV and browse to upload the file.

    The import .CSV template must follow the specified format. You cannot use the exported mapping entries .CSV file to import new entries.

  5. Click Import and save. The custom secrets mapping table is populated with the updated entries.
    You can now perform the following actions, as necessary:
    • Search bar to search and sort by secret name.
    • Import .CSV to add or update the entries.
    • Export to .CSV to export the mapped entries into a .CSV format.
    • Delete checked items to remove multiple entries.
    • Refresh to refresh the updated entries.
Review the information if you face any errors when uploading the .CSV template into the Control Room:
  • Only 100 records can be processed at a time. For additional records, you can repeat the import action multiple times.
  • Each username maps to a single secret name. If a matching username is found, the system will overwrite the existing entry. If there are duplicate records, the last processed entry will take priority.
  • Multiple users can be mapped to the same secret name.
  • The username and secret name fields are required. If either is missing, the entry is considered invalid.
  • The system checks if the username exists in the Control Room. If the specified username does not exist, the entry is considered invalid.
  • If the system fails to save the mapping, an exception is raised and no records will be processed.