This procedure describes how to build a bot using the Get Storage file action in Process Composer.


  1. Create a new bot and name it Bot File. The new bot window displays for you to create a bot.
  2. Select the plus (+) icon in the Variables field. The Create variable window displays.
  3. Select File in the drop-down menu in the Type field.
  4. Enter String as the variable name in the Name field.
  5. Select Use as input only.
  6. Click Desktop folder or file and then click Browse to enter the desktop file path.
  7. Click Create.
  8. Drag the Get Storage file action from the Process Composer package. See Get Storage file action. The Process Composer: Get Storage file window displays.
  9. Select Desktop file.
  10. Specify the path in the Full path of file in local device to be saved to field.
    Important: The full path of the file includes the name of the file, for example: C:\copilot\output\filename.pdf.
  11. Click Save.
    You have successfully created a bot with the Get Storage file action.
    To continue the example and create a process, see Create a process automation to select a file input.