This topic describes the event recording using the Process Discovery (PD) Sensor application. This application seamlessly integrates with the users' desktop environments and captures on-screen activities.

The mouse movement and keystrokes, are observed and captured as screenshots by the PD Sensor. These screenshots are sent to the Process Discovery Cloud platform. The essence of this process lies in the aggregation of these recorded events within the Process Discovery Cloud platform. Here, the events combine, enabling the platform to find patterns. These patterns, representative of sequences of events, subsequently serve as the foundation for the development of recommended processes.

Note: Check the Data > Events page to ensure the Process Discovery platform is receiving data from sensors.
The following lists the scenarios when an event is recorded:
  1. Keystrokes: The Process Discovery sensor take screenshots when any key outside alphanumeric keys are pressed.
    Note: Alphanumeric keys are all letters and numbers and some different symbols. These keys include all letters starting from A leading to Z and numbers from 0 to 9.
    When Screenshot is taken When Screenshot is not taken
    Pressing a combinations of keys such as Control-C, Control-V or set of keystrokes followed by enter key. Pressing all number keys (both on the top row of a keyboard but also specific number pads as well)
    Pressing Enter and editing keys Pressing all character keys such as QWERTY.

    Pressing Function keys Pressing modifier keys that change case – either Shift or Caps Lock

    Pressing single key strokes:
    1. Control key
    2. Shift key
    3. Alt key

    Keyboard layout Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M Num Lock 7 4 1 / 8 5 2 * 9 6 3 0 - + Scroll Lock Print Scrn SysRq Pause Break F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Esc Home End Page Down Page Up Insert Delete Enter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Ctrl Ctrl Alt ( ) * & ^ % $ £ " ! ` ¬ Tab Caps Lock - _ = + / ? . > , < End Home PgUp PgDn Del . Ins Character keys Modifier keys Lock keys Navigation keys Numeric keypad Enter and editing keys Function keys Num Lock Caps Lock Scroll Lock Alt Gr System and GUI keys # ~ ' @ ; : [ { ] } \ |

  2. Mouse Clicks: When a mouse click is made the PD Sensor captures a screenshot as an event.

    The captured events are sent to the Process Discovery Cloud platform through two pathways: direct transmission or through Privacy Enhanced Gateway (PEG). This gateway serves as an enabler of security and privacy, effectively redacting sensitive visual information before dispatching screenshots to the PD cloud.

    Capturing these events is similar to creating a digital tapestry of user interaction. Each time an end-user performs a predefined keystroke, clicks the mouse, or even presses the enter key, an event is generated, and in conjunction, a screenshot is taken. This combination of mouse actions, keystrokes, and screenshots forms a complete event.

    For instance, if you type "Wikipedia login" into a search box and then press the enter key constitutes an event. This single interaction, a combination of keystrokes and mouse clicks or enter key presses, creates an event. At this instant a screenshot is taken.

    In short, a Process Discovery Event consists of metadata from keystrokes and mouse actions combined with the screenshots.