As an individual user, you can use the email report channel to notify Control Room users about various events through emails.


Ensure that the required email report channel is enabled by Control Room administrator.

Email notifications are sent as an instant notification or email report based on the event severity identified by the Automation 360 platform. The email report channel is disabled by default.


  1. Click the Notifications (no-new-notification) icon.
  2. Click the Settings (notification-settings) icon in the Notifications window.
  3. Enable the Email report option to receive email notifications.
    An email report, containing the Control Room URL and time duration when the report was generated, is sent to the specified email addresses or email distribution list.
    Note: When you enable the email report channel, consider the following information:
    • If the Control Room administrator does not enable the Email report channel, then individual users cannot enable or disable this option. As a result, individual users cannot be notified through emails.
    • If the Control Room administrator disables the Email report channel for a certain duration (for example, maintenance activity over weekend), individual users cannot receive email reports for that duration.
    • The email report is sent to all email addresses and distribution lists specified by the Control Room administrator based on the enabled event categories.
    • If an event is critical and marked for instant notification, then an email notification is sent immediately when the event occurs. Otherwise, it is sent as a part of the email report but the email notification not included in both instant notification and email report.
    • A single email report is sent for all bot events.
    • An email report is sent twice a day, at a fixed time that is 8 AM (PST) and 4 PM (PST).