The Bot Assistant provides a comprehensive view of all the lines in a bot that require your review or action, or which have errors and therefore require you to address them. You can quickly identify areas of bots that require your attention and view changes in an Enterprise 11 or Enterprise 10 bot after migration Automation 360.


  • Enterprise 11 or Enterprise 10 bots must be migrated to Automation 360.
  • The user reviewing the migration review and action messages must have the Bot Creator or Bot Runner license assigned to them.
  • Bot Creators must have the View migration permission to view the migration review and action messages in the Bot Assistant.

Review messages are available for bots that are successfully migrated to Automation 360 but with some changes in the migrated bots. These review messages indicate changes in the behavior of the Enterprise 11 or Enterprise 10 commands after they are migrated to Automation 360.

You can open the Bot Assistant for a migrated bot that is listed in the Messages tab of the Bot Scanner report. Review the messages about the changes in the commands after migration and mark these messages as reviewed after analyzing the change. The Bot Assistant also enables you to review all the changes made in a bot from the Bot editor.


  1. On the left pane, click Automation.
    A list of available bots and forms is displayed.
  2. Open the migrated bot for which you want to review the messages.
  3. Click the Bot Assistant icon on the toolbar to open the Bot Assistant.
  4. Click Get started.
  5. On the Bot Assistant screen, click the Need review tab to list the messages that require review.
  6. Click a message in the Need review tab to view detailed information about the change.
  7. Click the Mark as reviewed option to mark the message as reviewed.
    The messages that are marked as reviewed are available in the Reviewed tab.
    Note: You can mark a message as reviewed only for the migrated bots that are available in your private repository.

See the following video on how to use the Bot Assistant to review changes to migrated bots