Various types of information about the Control Room are captured in different log files. You can analyze these log files when the Control Room or a bot encounters an error and identify the root cause for that error.


The log files capture information about the errors encountered by various components of the Control Room such as the Bot Store, devices, and license. You can use the information in the log files to identify the root cause of an error and resolve that error.

Log file locations

The Control Room log files are available at C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere\Logs on the machine on which you have installed the Control Room. This location also contains the log files from other applications, such as Automation Co-Pilot. The log files are named WebCR_<COMPONENT-NAME>, for example, WebCR_BotStore, WebCR_Devices, and WebCR_License.

You can refer the following log files for the Control Room.

Contains log entries related to the initialization of the Control Room and messages, if any.
Contains log entries related to the user management module.
Contains log entries related to the Apache Ignite or caching system.
Contains log entries of the server repository related functions.
Contains log entries of Credential Vault related function calls.
Contains log entries related to the Hibernate system, ORM mapping and Query system, ActiveMQ messaging subsystem.

Contains log entries related to Atmosphere framework, a popular open-source library used to build asynchronous web applications.


Contains log entries related to Elasticsearch audit log that can help you track access, changes, and other significant events within your cluster.

Contains log entries related to Authentication logs. In the context of web applications, authentication ensures that only authorized users can access certain resources or perform specific actions.

Contains log entries related to Bot Insight that provides valuable insights into the performance and impact of bots, helping businesses optimize their processes, improve efficiency, and achieve better ROI.


Contains log entries related to configuring Automation Anywhere involves setting up the Control Room, managing users and roles, configuring security settings, setting up Bot Creator and Bot Runner tools, enabling and configuring Bot Insight, and setting up email notifications.


Contains log entries related to deploying bots in Automation Anywhere involves several steps, from creating and testing bots in the Bot Creator to deploying them to the Control Room and configuring them for execution.


Contains log entries related to devices that are the machines or environments where bots are executed that allows the user to distribute bot execution across multiple devices for efficient automation.


Contains log entries related to Jetty server logs that provide valuable information about the server's behavior, request processing, and errors encountered during runtime.


Contains log entries related to license related operations as Licensing is essential for accessing the platform's features and capabilities and managing bot executions.


Contains log entries related to Multi-factor authentication that enhances security by requiring users to provide additional authentication factors beyond just a username and password.


Contains log entries related to Migration related activities that involve moving Bots, workflows, schedules, credentials, and other resources between development, testing, and production environments, or migrating from an older version of AA to a newer one.


Contains log entries related to operations room that serves as a central hub for monitoring, managing, and optimizing automation operations across the organization.


Contains log entries related to bot packaging that involves the process of bundling automation assets, such as bots, workflows, dependencies, and configurations, into a deployable package for distribution, sharing, or deployment across different environments.


Contains log entries related to log messages generated by the Quartz Scheduler, an open-source job scheduling library for Java applications. Quartz Scheduler allows developers to schedule and execute tasks (jobs) at specific times or intervals.


Contains log entries related to automation schedules that is responsible for managing the execution of tasks or bots according to predefined schedules, intervals, or conditions.


Contains log entries related to Settings that refer to configurable options, parameters, and preferences that control the behavior, functionality, and appearance of the Automation Anywhere platform, including the Control Room and Bot Creator. Settings allow administrators and users to customize their AA environment to meet specific requirements, preferences, and organizational policies.


Contains log entries related to the Spring framework that is related to the initialization and shutdown phases of the Spring application context and also contains information about the dependency injection process, such as auto wiring, bean wiring, and resolution of bean dependencies.


Contains log entries related to Workload Management (WLM) that enable organizations to optimize resource utilization, improve performance, and ensure the scalability and reliability of automation processes.

Note: For information on the Linux OS directory structure, see Installed Control Room directories and files.