Document Classifier package updates

Review the updates in released versions of Document Classifier packagesuch as new and enhanced features as well as fixes and limitations. The page also lists the release dates of each version, and the compatible Control Room and Bot Agent versions.

Versions summary

  • The IQ Bot Classifier package is called the Document Classifier package from Build 19678.
  • You can download the Document Classifier package from the IQ Bot downloads link.

    For information about manually adding a package to the Control Room, see Add packages to the Control Room.

The following table lists the versions of Document Classifier package released either with an Automation 360 release or as a package-only release (in descending order of release dates). Click the version link for information about updates in that package version.
Version Release date Release type Bot Agent Control Room build
3.31.0 21 September 2023 With Automation 360 v.30 (Sandbox) release 21.98 or later 10520 or later
2.5.4 6 June 2023 With Automation 360 v.29 (Sandbox) release 21.98 or later 10520 or later


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.98 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 10520 or later
What's changed
The Document Classifier package is enhanced for better user engagement. Following are changes associated with the Document Classifier package:
  • The package name is changed to Document Classifier package.
  • You can track consumption of processed documents (number of pages) in the Document Classifier package.


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.98 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 10520 or later
Fixed the vulnerabilities reported in the security scan.