You can export and import learning instances to move the learning instances between Document Automation environments.

Export a learning instance

Note: Ensure that you have the IQ Bot Admin role or role with the View and manage migration permission.

When you export a learning instance, a .dw file, a Control Room notification (link) is displayed which contains the learning instance configurations, including the language, provider, and fields.

  1. Navigate to AI > Document Automation.
  2. Hover over the actions menu (vertical ellipsis) to the right of the learning instance you want to export.
  3. Click Export.

    A Control Room notification (link) is displayed, indicating that the learning instance is exported successfully.

  4. Click the Control Room notification link and download the .dw file to your local desktop.
Note: The process and bots associated with the learning instance are exported separately. See Export a process automation | Export bots.

Import a learning instance

Note: Ensure that you have the following roles and permissions:
  • AAE_Bot Developer role
  • IQ Bot Admin role or role with the View and manage migration permission
  • Bot Creator or Discovery Bot: Process recorder license
First, import the process and bots associated with the learning instance: Import a process automation. If you do not import the process, Document Automation will create a new process when you import the learning instance.
  • Verify that the destination environment has the necessary licenses. See Automation 360 licenses.
  • If a previous version of the learning instance already exists in the Control Room, only the user who imported that learning instance can import a new version.
  1. Navigate to AI > Document Automation, and click Import at the top of the page.
  2. Click Browse to select the learning instance.
    Note: If a learning instance already exists in this environment with the same ID number, the imported learning instance overwrites the existing one.
  3. Select whether to pair the learning instance with an existing process or to create a new process.
  4. Click Import.

See the following video on how to export and import a learning instance: