Use the Create event action to create an event and specify event attendees, duration, location, recurrence, and title. During run time, this action triggers an email notification to meeting attendees.


To create a new calendar event, do the following:

  1. Enter the session name you used to connect to the G-Suite server in the Connect action.
  2. Enter the event title.
  3. Optional: Enter the location.
  4. Optional: Enter the attendees' email addresses, separated with commas.
  5. Enter the start date.
    Use the format yyyy-MM-dd.
  6. Enter the end date.
    Use the format yyyy-MM-dd.
  7. Select the All Day or Specify Time option from the Event Time option.
    • If you select the All Day option, you do not need to provide any additional details.
    • If you select the Specify Time option, complete the following fields:
      • Specify the Start Time using the HH:mm:ss format.
      • Specify the End Time using the HH:mm:ss format.
  8. Select the Use System Timezone or Specify Timezone option from the Timezone option.
    • If you select the Use System Timezone option, you do not need to provide any additional details.
    • If you select the Specify Timezone option, complete the following fields:
      • Specify the Start Timezone.
      • Specify the End Timezone.
  9. Optional: Mark the Recurring option to make this event repeat.
  10. Select a Visibility option from the drop-down list.
    Select from Default, Public, or Private.
  11. Optional: Enter an event description.
  12. Optional: Select a string variable from the drop-down list to store the id of the created event.
  13. Click Save.