Moving from Automation 360 On-Premises to Cloud

If you are on Automation 360 On-Premises, move your data and bots to Cloud to get the benefits of a cloud-native architecture.


  • Obtain a Cloud license for every On-Premises Control Room instance that you want to migrate to Cloud. Work with the Automation Anywhere sales, Customer Success Manager (CSM), and partner teams to obtain the required licenses.
    Note: You can move data from multiple On-Premises Control Room instance to one or more Cloud Control Room instances. There is no restriction that you can only move data from a single On-Premises Control Room instance to a single Cloud Control Room. You can migrate data as per your requirements.
  • Ensure that you have the correct number of licenses in your Cloud Control Room for executing automations from your Cloud.
  • Ensure that you back up your data before migration.

    See: Integrating Control Room with Git repositories.

Choose your method

Use one of the following procedures to migrate from your On-Premises Control Room instance to your Cloud Control Room instance:

Post-requisite tasks

After the migration is complete, perform the following steps:

  1. Open firewall rules to allow connectivity between the Cloud Control Room and the On-Premises Bot Runners.

    See: Bot Agent communication with Control Room.

  2. Perform sanity testing of the migrated bots in the Cloud Control Room. Ensure that the bots are working as they were in your On-Premises Control Room.
  3. Deregister the Bot Runners from the On-Premises Control Room and register them to the Cloud Control Room.
  4. Decommission the On-Premises Control Room after the migration is complete and when the workload can be managed from your Cloud Control Room.
  5. Repeat all these tasks for all your On-Premises Control Room instances.
Note: You can use these instructions to not only migrate from your On-Premises Control Room instances to your Cloud Control Room instances but also to move data between your Cloud Control Room instances.
Note: If your current Control Room instance and account is On-Premises and is using file-licensing, convert your licenses to Cloud-licensing. See the answer to the question How do I convert customer licenses from file licensing to Cloud licensing? from the Conversion from file licensing to Cloud licensing page.