Automation Workspace v.28 release

Review what's new and changed, and the fixes and limitations in Automation Workspace for the v.28 release.

What's new

APIs and integrations
Export repository bots by version or label (Service Cloud case ID: 01805699, 01838251)

Use the new POST /v2/blm/export/version API to export repository bots by specifying the label or version of the files. These bots are exported to an archived file.


Process Composer APIs
Use the Process Composer APIs to create a new request from processes. You can also retrieve the initial form and request by specifying the reference ID. You can use the following endpoints in the process composer APIs:
  • /requests/create: Create a new request.
  • /requests/ref/{refId}: Retrieve a request.
  • /processes/{id}/form: Retrieve initial form.

Process Composer API

What's changed


Build 17566: This build includes the following fixes (along with fixes from the previous builds):

When you create a folder either from the Create folder option or through API (Create folder), you can no longer have an empty space as the first character for the folder name as it is now automatically removed.

For example, while creating a folder, if you enter the name as ' sales', the folder is created with the filename as 'sales'.

Note: Before updating to this release, if you had created any folder that had an empty space at the beginning of the folder name, you could export it without any issues. However, importing that folder was not supported. To resolve this issue after updating to this release, unzip the exported package, open the manifest.json, and remove all occurrences of the empty space in the manifest, and the folder name. You can then zip the package and import it again.
When you check-in or check-out a bot, the automation page loads successfully without any delay. Also, there is no impact on the bot create and commit process.

Previously, the automaton page was not loading during bot check-in and check-out due to database connection. This behavior caused poor user experience and impact on the bot create and commit process.

Service Cloud case ID: 01963796, 01959945

Build 17542: This build includes the following fixes (along with fixes from the previous builds):

When you check out a bot that contains metadata in actions (for example, Image Recognition, Recorder, or Screen Capture), you no longer encounter an error and a broken image. As a result, the image preview of bots renders properly.

Previously, in such cases, image preview failed and generated an error. As as result, you were not able to check out, copy, or clone the bot.

Service Cloud case ID: 01971324, 01972601, 01977090, 01976820, 01976757, 01976571, 01976597, 01976629, 01977130, 01976845, 01977497, 01976639, 01977546, 01976736, 01977054, 01977392, 01978707, 01978097, 01969070, 01976549, 01978951, 01978955, 01979180, 01977511, 01979014, 01979687, 01979741, 01975299, 01980410, 01980114

Build 17533: This build includes the following fixes (along with fixes from the previous builds):

Bot export now completes successfully when you export a bot containing actions that store an image, such as actions from Recorder, Image Recognition, or Screen package.

Previously, bot export failed when it contained actions that stored an image, and the export error was displayed in the audit log and the historical activity page.

Control Room now sends email notifications when a scheduled bot fails prior to its execution for example, when the Bot Runner machine is not available.

Service Cloud case ID: 01768120

The Schedule column on the Scheduled activity page shows the frequency of a scheduled bot in your local language.

Previously, the frequency of a scheduled bot was not translated and not shown in the user's local language, for example, Japanese.

Service Cloud case ID: 01936850

When you restart the Control Room services and execute a bot, the bot deployment no longer fails on the connected devices nor generates an error on the In progress and Audit log pages.

Previously, the AtmosphereResource Cancelled error displayed on the In progress page and the error was registered on the Audit log page.

Service Cloud case ID: 01937388

You no longer see duplicate deployments (current and previous) for the same device on the In Progress page.

Previously, duplicate deployments were displayed.

Service Cloud case ID: 01954716

On the In progress activity page, the Activity type column displays the correct bot activity type.

Previously, the column displayed inconsistent activity types.

Service Cloud case ID: 01958801

When you create a locker, the Create locker page displays tabs such as Credentials, Owners, Managers, and so on.

Previously, tabs were not displayed.

Service Cloud case ID: 01949499

Attended Bot Runner users can view the Schedule bot menu on the following pages:
  • Automation (Run bot > Schedule bot)
  • In progress activity
  • Scheduled activity
  • Devices
  • Device pools

Previously, this menu was not displayed on these pages.

Service Cloud case ID: 01085127, 01805063

You can run bots in Debug mode even when the data table variables contain a large amount of data (up to 3 MB for a single data table variable that is being watched only). Previously, the browser stopped responding.

Service Cloud case ID: 01949707, 01955034

The query parameters URLs are now parsed even with empty values, resulting in the API server executing them successfully.

Previously, an exception error occurred in such cases.

Service Cloud case ID: 01903082

If you deploy a task with a Bot Runner that has a disconnected default device and no device pool is selected, an error message displays in your local language.

Previously, an error message displayed in English even when the user's local language (for example, Japanese) was selected.

Service Cloud case ID: 01919213

The Bot Runner device will unregister from the Control Room only if there is a valid authentication error.

Previously, during the Bot Runner authentication, the device was unregistered from the Control Room after two unsuccessful authentication attempts. The reason for the error could be due to a valid unsuccessful authentication attempt or any other error.

Service Cloud case ID: 01947943, 01946249, 01956026, 01945438

When a bot is deployed with multiple run-as users and if one or more devices disconnect from the Control Room during the bot execution, reconciliation of reconnecting devices no longer triggers the NonUniqueResultException error.

Previously, when you select X number of run-as users (where X > 1), the query returned X number of entries from the table, which results in the NonUniqueResultException error. As a result, reconciliation failed and also the bot execution was terminated.

You no longer encounter issues when you create a bot using the DLL Open and Close actions and then use the If > Dll session exists condition to check whether a DLL session is closed in a bot.

Previously when you used the If > Dll session exists condition, it failed to check a closed DLL session and displayed an error.

Service Cloud case ID: 01868691

When you use the Get node value to retrieve the JSON object in the JSON package, it returns the JSON value in the correct format.

Previously, the Get node value action displayed the output in the wrong format.

Service Cloud case ID: 01864551

You can use the Connect action to establish a connection with the FTP/SFTP server with keyfile authentication and automate a task.

Previously, the bot could not automate the FTP/SFTP operations if the SFTP keyfile server was installed on a Windows machine.

Service Cloud case ID: 01858323

You no longer encounter any errors when you create a bot using the Create workbook action from the Google Sheets package.

Service Cloud case ID: 01918952

When you use the Connect action in the Active Directory package, you can select objects in the Object Explorer window successfully.

Previously, an error was displayed when you selected objects in the Object Explorer window.

Service Cloud case ID: 01925109

In the Email package, you can use the Email > Send action to send an email without issues.

Previously, when you used Email package version 3.14.3-20220923-220748 or later, an issue occurred when using the Email > Send action.

Service Cloud case ID: 01912097, 01931592, 01934137, 01940215, 01932494, 01942202, 01942055, 01946339, 01949164

You can create bots using the Run stored procedure action of the Database package even when you include a large amount of data as an Input parameter.

When you use the Connect action of the Terminal Emulator package with the prompt value and then the Wait action, the Wait action waits for the prompt value to appear on the terminal screen.

When a new package (first version) is added to the Control Room and you select Disable setting for the new version of the package, the package will show the status as Disabled.

Previously, it showed the status as Enabled and set as default.

In the Datetime > Add action, you can now specify a fraction value in the Time value to add field to increase the value in the Datetime variable by that specific fraction value.
When you use any browser action to automate a browser window or a tab, and run the bot, the browser action now waits for the time specified in the Time out after field to execute action on the browser tab before the bot fails. Previously, the browser action failed after 30 seconds when the bot did not execute successfully, regardless of the wait time set in the Time out after field was less than or greater than 30 seconds.
  • As a result of this fix, if the Time out after field has a value other than 30 seconds, you might have to change the value for your existing bots. This will ensure that your bots continue to run properly with the latest Browser package.
  • This fix does not apply for the Find broken links action.

Service Cloud case ID: 01880159

When you perform the following sequence of actions and then rename the variable that was used in these actions, the name of the variable will now be updated for the Group conditions and the conditions in the Condition tab:
  • Use the If package
  • Add a specific condition with a variable
  • Add a specific condition with a variable
  • Save the bot.
In the Datetime > Subtract action you can now specify a fraction value in the Time unit to subtract field to decrease the value in the Datetime variable by a specific time value and unit.
When you use the Capture action with the Recorder package (version 2.9.x or earlier) to navigate to another web page in the Google Chrome browser (version 105.0 or later), and then use another Capture action to automate objects in the navigated web page, the bot no longer encounters an error.
In any package, when you select the Add argument option, select String or Number as the Argument type, and try to insert a value, you can now use the mouse to scroll or click the scroll bar to navigate through the options.
When you use multiple Recorder actions in a bot to automate a specific web page running in Microsoft Edge with IE mode, and then run the bot, the second Recorder action now works properly, and the bot no longer encounters an error.

Service Cloud case ID: 01848824, 01868337

You can now use the Folder > Unzip action to extract compressed files and folders from an AES-256 encrypted zip file.

Service Cloud case ID: 01854767

When you try to automate web applications, the Click action in the Recorder now works properly with the MV3 extension on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. Previously, when the object on a web page contained inline JavaScripts and the document to be automated was secured, the Recorder failed to perform the Click action.

Service Cloud case ID: 01927058, 01951022

When you use the Click action in the Recorder to automate applications running on Microsoft Edge with IE mode, the bots now time out automatically and no longer freeze when a pop-up appears during bot execution.

Service Cloud case ID: 01790352

When you assign a Production label to a Task Bot and deploy it, the bot no longer encounters an error at the Image Recognition > Find window in window action and runs successfully.

Service Cloud case ID: 01825541

When you use the Recorder package (version 2.10.2 or later) to capture a control on a web page, select Currently active window from the Application tab and then run the bot in a loop, the bot now captures the target control accurately and runs through all the loop iterations successfully even if the control appears behind the bot runtime window.

Service Cloud case ID: 01904537

When you use any of the following actions to determine if a window does not exist, select the web page opened in the Google Chrome browser from the list of active tabs in the Browser tab, and then run the bot, the following actions now wait for the specified time value to close the browser tabs before the bot fails.
  • Window does not exist condition in the If and Loop packages
  • Window with same title does not exist condition in the If and Loop packages
  • Window does not exist condition in the Wait > Wait for condition action
  • Window with same title does not exist condition in the Wait > Wait for condition action
  • Wait > Wait for window action
Note: When you run the bot, the actions might wait for an additional two to three seconds later than the specified time out value to execute actions before the bot fails.

Service Cloud case ID: 00790336, 00822573, 00832864, 01268577, 01586174, 00790336, 01778857, 01804828, 01809565, 01791209, 01848262, 01867832, 01877740, 01959172, 01959278

When you create or delete a folder (or form) that contains .. characters in the folder (or form) name, the folder structure no longer affected.

Previously, when you deleted a folder (or form) that contained .. characters in its name, the parent folder was deleted which caused issues with the folder structure.

Service Cloud case ID: 01886058

The resiliency of the File/Folder trigger has been improved to continue listening after a network disruption has occurred. Previously, a network error caused the trigger to lose connection with the Bot Agent.

Service Cloud case ID: 01769532, 01773584, 01834098, 01867418

When you check in a bot that contains the string "bot_" in its name and some recorder metadata, the metadata is no longer deleted. As a result, you can check out a bot without generating an exception or error message.

Previously, the recorder metadata was deleted and you were blocked from making recorder changes to any of the bots that contain "bot_" in its name. The bot checkout failed and generated an exception or error message.

Service Cloud case ID: 01915726, 01933409, 01939124, 01944665, 01939124

When you upgrade the Control Room to Automation 360 v.27, the work items are deployed successfully for all scenarios.

Previously, when you upgraded the Control Room to Automation 360 v.27, the work item failed to deploy when queues were paused or stopped.

Service Cloud case ID: 01948038, 01950948

When you run a bot with a queue and select the queue category, the task bot (that contains a TABLE type variable and no row data) no longer fails and shows the Missing work item template error message.

Previously, when there was no row content for a TABLE type variable, you could not select the queue category while running a bot with a queue. As a result, the Missing work item template error message was shown even if a template was mapped.

Service Cloud case ID: 01922641

When you import a BLM package (zip file) to the Control Room, the Automation Anywhere Control Room Messaging service restarts and you no longer get an error message. Additionally, the bot import and export operations complete successfully.

Previously, when the ActiveMQ broker service is stopped, the broker is stopped but the process did not exit due to which the Automation Anywhere Control Room Messaging service was not restarted. As a result, when you import a BLM package, the JMSExpection: failover time 5000ms exceeded error was displayed.

Service Cloud case ID: 01924119

When you compare bot versions from the View history Task Bot page in the public workspace, the Compare versions displays any modifications made in the latest two versions of your bot without any error.

Previously, an error was displayed if you used the Compare versions feature through the View history Task Bot page.

Service Cloud case ID: 01949094, 01946533

After you update the Bot Agent to the 21.240.19897 version, you can deploy multiple bots using the API without any failure caused by the AA-DB file size.

Previously, when you deployed multiple bots using the API the and AA-DB.trace.db file sizes continued to increase and eventually caused the bots to fail. Additionally, the device configuration refresh initiated message continuously displayed.

Service Cloud case ID: 01776544

The following issues were fixed on the In progress activity page:
  • Active bot deployments no longer disappear after a page refresh.
  • Duplicate bot entries were removed whose status was displayed as active.

Service Cloud case ID: 01937581

Variables that you configure as input type are encrypted in the log files generated for Control Room.

Previously, input type variables were not encrypted and displayed as plain text in the log files.

Service Cloud case ID: 01768904

Users can only view activities to which they have permission on the Activity > In progress page.

Previously, some users were able to view the activities of other users even though they did not have permission.

Service Cloud case ID: 01839276, 01919244, 01940793, 01941503

In attended and unattended automation, if a bot fails to run and generates the "Node Manager went Down unexpectedly and could not complete this bot execution." error, the start time on the Historical and Audit log pages display correctly.

Previously, the start time was displayed incorrectly.

Service Cloud case ID: 01881736

All users can view the scheduled activities on the Scheduled activity page.

Previously, some users were unable to view the scheduled activities.

Service Cloud case ID: 01885890, 01848429

The Control Room Access URL length is set to a maximum of 4,000 characters.

Previously, the URL length was not set.

Service Cloud case ID: 01923035

Sorting users using the Last login option on the Users page sorts users correctly.

Previously, sorting users by last login was not sorting the users correctly.

Service Cloud case ID: 01813134

If you created a bot using the REST API command, the REST GET command is parsed without any errors even when the response body is empty.

Service Cloud case ID: 01922332

Japanese characters are supported in the REST API commands with the multipart/form-data option and the output PDF name is rendered correctly.

Service Cloud case ID: 01909753

All files in the specified OneDrive location are downloaded successfully when you use the Download file action from the Microsoft 365 OneDrive package.

Service Cloud case ID: 01886501

If you selected the Read cell value option in the Read row action of the Excel advanced package, the data from the next sheet of the specified Excel file is extracted correctly using the Switch to sheet action.

Service Cloud case ID: 01904504

If a bot contains Get multiple cells or Get single cell action from the Excel advanced package to retrieve the underlying scientific values, the values from the specified Excel file are successfully extracted when you run this bot.

Service Cloud case ID: 01882225, 01938812

Exception errors are no longer displayed for the following actions in the Excel advanced package:
  • Get single cell
  • Get cell color
  • Get multiple cell
  • Get number of cells
  • Get worksheet as data table
  • Insert/Delete rows/columns
  • Read cell formula
  • Read column
  • Read row
  • Remove blank row
  • Rename worksheet
  • Replace
  • Select cells/rows/columns
  • Set call
  • Switch to sheet
  • Close

Service Cloud case ID: 01780178, 01926325

For Automation 360 Cloud, if there are many (more than 500) bots deployed in one of the device when there are multiple devices connected to a Control Room, bot deployments across other devices are no longer blocked.

Service Cloud case ID: 01791784, 01950118, 01904686, 01795862, 01945357, 01941048

If you create a folder with the same name as an existing folder in the private workspace, an error message is now displayed, and the folder is not created.

Previously, a false successful folder creation message was displayed, but the last modified date of that particular folder remained the same as that of the previously existing folder.

When you create, view, or edit roles and then navigate to the Bots section, the folder list is sorted alphabetically making it easier to find a specific folder.

Previously, the folders were not sorted alphabetically, and it was difficult to find a particular folder when there were many folders in the repository.

Service Cloud case ID: 01762755, 01843015, 01874823

When you import a bot using the overwrite option and do not have permission to access one or more dependent folders, the import dependency is not broken because of the import failure on the dependent folder.

Previously, importing the bot when you had no permission to access the dependent folder resulted in a break in the dependency if the file or folder was already present.

Service Cloud case ID: 01929592, 01946078

When you import a bot that has more than 2,100 manual dependencies, the import is successful without any issues.

Previously, the bot import failed when the bot contained more than 2,100 manual dependencies. You had to reduce the number of dependencies to import the bot successfully.

Service Cloud case ID: 01913648, 01942373

When you have large number of processed work items, the new work items are processing in expected time without any delay.

Previously, in such cases, new work items were taking long time due to the query time out error. As a result, you were not able to deploy the bot with queue.

Service Cloud case ID: 01846496, 01939581

The group Managed Service Account (gMSA) provides functionalities such as install, update and perform LDAP authentication within a domain, and also extends those functionalities across multiple servers.
When you update Automation 360 to the v.28 release, the Elasticsearch service is replaced with OpenSearch service as the underlying technology for core product capabilities such as audit, Bot Insight, and so on.
Automation 360 for auto-login and RDP-based deployment supports the user name in the User Principal Name (UPN) format (

Service Cloud Case ID: 01816116, 01906692

An error no longer displays when you click your trigger in the event trigger page.
You no longer encounter random bot deployment issues in the Bot editor.

Previously, during bot deployment, the LockAcquisitionException error was observed randomly, and the bot execution status remained as Pending execution in the In progress activity tab. As a result, the user had to retry deployment for it to succeed.


Bots that are in the Queued status do not appear automatically on the In progress activity page.

Workaround: Click the Refresh table button on the top-right corner of the Activity table to view the queued bots.

For users (excluding the users who are assigned the AAE_Admin role) who do not have any license assigned to them (Bot Creator, UnattendedBot Runner, Attended Bot Runner, or Citizen Developer), the Audit log page displays multiple unsuccessful entries related to the Default device set event for any activity performed by the users on the Control Room.

Workaround: See A360.28 On-Prem & Cloud | After upgrading to A360.28, multiple events are getting created in Audit logs 'Default device set Unsuccessful'.

Service Cloud case ID: 01969726, 01970583, 01970990, 01971435, 01971171, 01970869, 01971854, 01970915, 01970523, 01971411, 01971788, 01971827, 01971482, 01971736, 01970333, 01972128, 01970497, 01972025, 01971459, 01971561, 01971068, 01972148, 01975216, 01975980, 01977479, 02001122

(Service Cloud case ID: 01833352)
When you want to move emails from one folder to another, and if you apply multiple filters such as Subject, From specific sender, When received date is on or after, or When received date is before, you cannot move an email when its sender id is: noreply@**.com.
Note: You might observe this issue when you use Save All attachments, Delete All, Move All, and Loop actions.

Workaround: Use only the From specific sender filter to move emails.

The Create User audit log entry page shows a valid device license even when the license allocation for a user had failed.
(Service Cloud Case ID: 01976942)

Duplicate entries of the same activity are listed in the Activity > In progress screen for the users who are assigned the same role and permission.

In a clustered environment, when you update bots to the default package versions, the Bot update list page shows Failed status and bots are auto-checked out even if they are updated with the latest default packages.
In an Oracle environment, the Bot update list page shows an Code: db.connection.exception error message.
  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Manage > Packages and set the required package version as the default version.
  3. Log in as a Bot Creator, and then check out and edit the bot.
  4. In the Bot editor, click the three vertical ellipses at the top right corner.
  5. Select required Packages and update the package version manually.
While updating bots to the default package version, when you select the Production label bots, the package update is applied for the latest version of bots instead of the Production label bots.
(Service Cloud Case ID: 01952411, 01998646, 02088302)

When you check out and edit a bot after the bot updates to the default package version, an error is displayed in the System Date for these commands: SystemsDate, REST Web Services, and Number.

  1. Edit the bot and navigate to Manage > Packages.
  2. Set the Date and Time for the non-default package, and then set it back to the default Date and Time.
    • If previous version of the package does not exist, then upload the package and assign the default Date and Time.
    • If previous version of package is available, then edit the bot, assign it to the previous package and save. Then, re-assign the bot to the new default package.
When a user (who created the workload automation) is deleted, work items are not processed even if they are available to process. As a result, you must delete and re-create the automation.
If you select the Search type as Variable name in the Search and replace feature, the content is not replaced when you use a number variable in the expression.

Workaround: To replace a specific variable in a number expression, open that action and change the variable manually.

(Service Cloud Case ID: 01950021)

If Auto update is enabled for the Bot Agent in Control Room, registered devices running Windows10 Enterprise might restart intermittently after the Bot Agent update has completed.

Bot deployments might fail if the Log collector and Sync log collector options are enabled while updating Automation 360 to v.28.
Workaround: Before updating Automation 360 to v.28 from any of the previous versions (such as v.25), ensure that the Log collector option within Administration > Settings > Devices > Advanced options and Sync log collector option within Administration > Settings > Devices > Log collection configuration are disabled.
Note: For information on resolving bot deployment issues caused when the Log collector or Sync log collector options were enabled while updating Automation 360 to v.28 release, see .Troubleshoot bot deployment issue caused if Log collector is enabled (A-People login required)
API Task is a beta feature in the v.28 release and is designed for Automation 360 cloud deployments only.

However, after you upgrade your On-Premises deployment to v.28, users with a Bot Creator license can create an API Task and users with either Device pool owner or Device pool admin permission can create an API Device pool. But you will not be able to execute the API Tasks. In an upcoming update, the API Task feature will be fully turned off on On-Premises deployments and will be available only on the upcoming Automation 360 cloud deployments.

Bot export fails when you export a bot that contains actions that store an image, such as actions from Recorder, Image Recognition, or Screen package. You can view the export error in the audit log and the historical activity page.

Workaround: Contact Automation Anywhere Support.

After you update Automation 360 to v.28, when you cancel the update process after removing all the services, the rollback of the services does not happen. As a result, you will encounter an error message, when you attempt Automation 360 update.
Limitations from previous releases
While running a bot in debug mode, the bot will fail if the variable size gets greater than 3 MB. An error message appears showing that a variable has exceeded the 3 MB limit.
When you create a device pool with a temporary (disconnected) device, the device deletion job does not complete successfully. Additionally, the Audit log page shows the device is deleted, whereas the Device list page shows the deleted device in the list.

Feature deprecations

Review features and capabilities (from Automation Anywhere or other third-party vendors) that are deprecated or nearing deprecation to understand how they impact your automation.
Deprecated weaker Transport Layer Security protocols: TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1

Automation Anywhere has deprecated weaker communication protocols TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1, and their corresponding ciphers (Cryptographic algorithms) in Automation 360 Cloud deployments (AWS and GCP). Automation 360 Cloud deployments support TLS 1.2 and later versions only.

Upcoming feature deprecations

Manifest V2 extensions for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge

From Automation 360 v.26 and later releases, we have published new Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Manifest V3 extensions. Starting on October 23, 2023, we will deprecate support for Manifest V2 extensions on Automation 360 v.26 and later releases. After this date, we will not address any issues relating to Manifest v2 extensions. If you are on Automation 360 v.26 or a later release and still using Manifest V2 extensions for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, we recommend that you upgrade your Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browser extensions to Manifest V3 extensions before October 23, 2023.

Note: If you are on Automation 360 v.25 or earlier releases, then you will not be impacted.

Updates to the interface

Review the updates to the interface in this release.

See the following video for the updates made to the interface for Automation 360 v.28 release:

The Enter property set to your CyberArk username option is introduced on the Service Credentials page to configure usernames using the CyberArk secret response.

Configure username for different Automation 360 services using the CyberArk secret response

You can import intermediate certificates when installing Control Room On-Premises.

Import intermediate certificates for secure access to Control Room

The Control Room Service Startup Options page is introduced when installing the Automation 360 Control Room to select the services to run at Control Room startup.

Select the Control Room services to run at startup

The bot updates to default package version functionality is enhanced and moved from Manage > Packages to Administration > Bot update page.

Bulk update of multiple packages to default version for multiple bots

The Allow users to control notifications settings option is added to control and lock the user preferences for notifications.

Improved notifications administration to manage user access

The Process events notifications category is introduced to monitor Automation Co-Pilot events.

Monitor Automation Co-Pilot events through Control Room notifications

A check box is added to clear the existing default device for the logged-in Bot Creator, attended Bot Runner, or Citizen DeveloperCitizen developer users.

Validate remote deployments to avoid unauthorized device access

Updated and intuitive icons for all the actions and contextual help for various actions within packages. For example, contextual help is available for all the actions within the Excel advanced package.

Enhanced user experience through refreshed and intuitive icons

The enable or disable functionality of code analysis is moved from Administration > Policies to Administration > Settings > Policies.

Enhancements to code analysis

The visual indicator line marker for the collapsible section helps you see where in the bot you are and editing.

Line markers for collapsible sections of the code in the Bot editor

We provide implicit preference to retain the default view in the Bot editor, and the system will display the same view upon your subsequent login.

Default view in the Bot editor

You can now copy, cut, and paste the entire node in the Process Composer. These actions apply to all properties and attributes of the node, including child and branch elements.

Copy, cut, and paste actions

The Process Composer supports Global Values in variables.

Global values as variable