You can create hidden elements in a form to access hidden variables in a process automation in Process Composer.

As a Pro Developer, when you embed Automation Co-Pilot using an iFrame widget integration into enterprise applications (such as Salesforce or Genesys Cloud), you can use hidden variables to pass data into a process where the data is needed for the process, but is not required to be visible for the user to view on forms.

For example, you can have a form that retrieves data (such as a record ID in Salesforce or a Conversation ID in Genesys Cloud) that is important to downstream processing but is not important to the end-user directly from the host page. Instead of mapping the data to a visible form field, you could map the data to a hidden variable. For hidden variable code examples, see the following:

Hidden variables are supported in rules, all variable types, and If/Else conditions.
Note: When adding rules to forms in Process Composer, hidden variables support all the same If/Else conditions that are available for their respective visible form elements, except for the Has errors condition. This applies to these specific hidden variable types:
  • String
  • Number
  • Date
  • Time

The Has errors condition remains exclusive to visible form elements only.

To create a new hidden element (variable), select the Properties - Form. You define hidden elements (variables) in a form by selecting Create a reference for hidden elements. Enter data for the new hidden variable.

IShows how to create a hidden element (variable)
After you create the reference, you can access the hidden variables using the variable picker in the Process Composer.
Note: For URL inputs, use the label ID of the hidden variable name as the key for the URL input.

To enable task bots to use hidden variables, create an input variable when building the bot and assign the hidden element as the input for the variable in Process Composer.

Shows how to assign hidden variable in Process Composer