Administrators create repositories for Bot Creators to develop and build bots .


Ensure that you are logged in to the Control Room as the administrator.

Administrators create repositories for Bot Creators to develop , test, and debug bots. After configuring the repository, the administrator creates the role for the Bot Creator.


  1. Log in to the Control Room as the administrator.
  2. On the left pane, click Automation.
  3. Click Create subfolder.
  4. Provide the repository folder name and navigation path.
    This repository folder is where the bots created by Bot Creators will be stored.
    Note: Ensure that the repository path that you provide is not longer than 500 characters.
    Important: Based on limits requirement in the Windows operating system (primarily Windows Server 2019 and 2016), ensure your folder, file names, and the nested folder structure is not long; otherwise, your bot execution or repository backup can be impacted.
  5. Click Create folder.

Next steps

Create roles for users. Roles grant specific permissions to users, such as Bot Creators and Bot Runners.